The SCRS, on which each member of the Commission may be represented, is responsible for developing and recommending to the Commission all policy and procedures for the collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination of fishery statistics. It is the SCRS' task to ensure that the Commission has available at all times the most complete and current statistics concerning fishing activities in the Convention area as well as biological information on the stocks that are fished. The SCRS also coordinates various national research activities, develops plans for special international cooperative research programs, carries out stock assessments, and advises the Commission on the need for specific conservation and management measures.
Chair: Craig Brown (USA)
Vice-Chair: Luis Gustavo Cardoso (Brazil)
View the last SCRS report

View SCRS chair's presentations to the Commission
Oversees the process of data aquisition and analysis that is carried out by the Secretariat and the various stock assessment groups.
View the last SC-STATS report- Convener
- Pedro Lino (European Union)
The Sub-Committee deals with a wide range of issues, including an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and of oceanographic factors affecting tuna biology and fisheries
The Sub-Committee deals with a wide range of issues, including an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and of oceanographic factors affecting tuna biology and fisheries
Terms of Reference- Conveners
- By-catch assessment and mitigation measures Andrés Domingo (Uruguay)
- Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) Alex Hanke (Canada)
- Click here for a list of bycatch species
- Click here for links to oceanographic information
- Posters to mitigate sea birds mortality (posters are also available in ICCAT non-official languages such as Portuguese, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Turkish and Chinese)
- Tropical Tunas
- Coordinator: Serena Wright (United Kingdom)
Bigeye tuna Rapporteur: David Die (USA) view report -
Yellowfin tuna Rapporteur: Shannon Cass-Calay (USA) view report -
Skipjack Rapporteur: Eastern Atlantic - Davy Angueko (Gabon) ; Western Atlantic - Rodrigo Sant'Ana (Brazil) view report
- Albacore
Coordinator: Haritz Arrizabalaga (European Union) View report - North Atlantic Albacore Rapporteur: Haritz Arrizabalaga (European Union)
- South Atlantic Albacore Rapporteur: Bruno Mourato (Brazil)
- Mediterranean Albacore Rapporteur: José Mª Ortiz de Urbina (European Union)
- Bluefin tuna
- Coordinator: Craig Brown (USA)
East Atlantic Rapporteur: Tristan Rouyer (European Union) view report -
West Atlantic Rapporteur: John Walter (USA) view report
- Billfishes
Rapporteur: Karina Ramírez López (México) BUM report WHM report SAI report
- Swordfish
- Coordinator: Kyle Gillespie (Canada)
North Atlantic Swordfish Rapporteur: Kyle Gillespie (Canada) view report -
South Atlantic Swordfish Rapporteur: Luis Gustavo Cardoso (Brazil) view report -
Mediterranean Swordfish Rapporteur: George Tserpes (European Union) view report
- Sharks
Rapporteur : Rodrigo Forselledo (Uruguay) BSH report POR report SMA report
- Small tunas
Rapporteur : Constance N'Guessan (Côte d’Ivoire) view report
- Southern bluefin tuna
- Stock Assessment Methods Working Group
- Implements Quality Management procedures for stock assessment methodologies, leading to the review, testing and documentation of assessment methods used by the SCRS
Chair: To be appointed View report
- Ad hoc WG on coordination of tagging information
- The objective of this group is to channel and make use of the experience of the scientists so that it is available for new tagging activities
- East Atlantic Coordinator: Federico Más (Uruguay)
View report