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The Commission may be joined by any government that is a member of the United Nations (UN), any specialized UN agency, or any inter-governmental economic integration organization constituted by States that have transferred to it competence over the matters governed by the ICCAT Convention. Instruments of ratification, approval, or adherence may be deposited with the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and membership is effective on the date of such deposit. Currently, there are 54 Contracting Parties.


ICCAT Contracting Parties. 54


ICCAT can also grant the status of Cooperators following the procedures outlined in the 2021 Recommendation by ICCAT on Criteria for Attaining the Status of Cooperating Non-Contracting Party, Entity or Fishing Entity in ICCAT [Rec. 21-24]. Currently, this status has been attained by the following:

  • Bolivia
  • Chinese Taipei
  • Suriname
  • Guyana