Most research activities on Atlantic tuna and tuna-like species are carried out by scientists from national research institutes or universities of Contracting Parties. Special research programmes have been used by ICCAT as a mechanism to help focus, coordinate and complement those national research activities. The programmes usually target improving biological knowledge and fishery data for particular species and stocks, and usually last a few years. In recent years these have been mostly funded through voluntary contributions from the European Union and United States of America and by the Commission as part of the regular budget (Science budget). In addition, in some cases, they are also funded through contributions from other individual Contracting Parties (Albania, Algeria, Canada, China P.R., Egypt, Iceland, Japan, Morocco, Korea, Libya, Norway, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey) and other bodies and agencies (Chinese Taipei, FAO). The following is a list of ICCAT Research Projects conducted to date.

Co-funded by the European Union
2021 – present, based on funding provided by the Commission through the regular budget (Science budget) and voluntary contribution from ICCAT CPCs.
ALBYP will initially run for a four-year period (2021-2024), based on funding provided by the Commission through the regular budget (Science budget) and voluntary contribution from ICCAT CPCs.
The Albacore Species Group proposes to pursue a coordinated and comprehensive multi-year research programme on Atlantic albacore to advance knowledge of the North and South stocks and be able to provide more accurate scientific advice to the Commission. The research plan will focus on three main research areas: biology and ecology, monitoring stock status and management strategy evaluation.
GBYP Website

Co-funded by the European Union
The GBYP programme started in 2010. Funded by several ICCAT CPCs: European Union (80%), Algeria, Canada, China, Croatia, Japan, Korea, Libya, Morocco, Norway, Tunisia, Turkey, United States of America and Chinese Taipei. It is also supported by funds or donation in kind by various public and private entities.
Improving understanding of Atlantic bluefin tuna key biological and ecological processes. Improving basic data collection (including information from farms, observers, and VMS). Improving assessment models and provision of scientific advice on stock status. Improving modelling of key biological processes (including growth and stock-recruitment), further developing stock assessment models that include mixing among areas and developing and use of biologically realistic operating models for more rigorous management option testing.
A coordinator is in charge of implementing the Program's activities.
The Steering Committee is composed by the SCRS Chair, the Bluefin tuna Rapporteurs, an external scientific expert and the ICCAT Executive Secretary. It is in charge of overseeing the Program.

Co-funded by the ICCAT US Data Fund

Co-funded by the European Union
1987 – present, based on funding provided by the Commission through the regular budget (Science budget) and voluntary contribution from ICCAT CPCs.
To obtain more complete detailed catch and effort statistics for billfishes, to carry out an expanded tagging program, and to carry out studies on age and growth.

Co-funded by the European Union
2016 – present, based on funding provided by the Commission through the regular budget (Science budget) and voluntary contribution from ICCAT CPCs.
To recover small tunas historical data (statistical and biological data) from the main ICCAT fishing areas.

Co-funded by the European Union
2015 – present, based on funding provided by the Commission through the regular budget (Science budget) and voluntary contribution from ICCAT CPCs.
The SRDCP is contained within the 2015-present with funding from the Commission and other donors. At this stage, the workplan of the project is still being elaborated and so exact dates have not yet been finalized.
Although efforts are being made in recent years to improve shark data collection and research, the current knowledge on many fisheries and basic biology is still limited. These gaps in knowledge are responsible for much of the uncertainty in stock assessments, and have caused constraints to the provision of scientific advice. Therefore, the present proposal for a Shark Research and Data Collection Program (SRDCP) represents a further step to align with ICCAT Res. 11-17 on Best Available Science, to fill knowledge gaps on fisheries and biology issues by improving data collection, cooperation and capacity building. In order to achieve these goals, the SRDCP aims to provide guidance to SCRS researchers, by prioritizing those issues related to data collection and research lines on species biology/ecology, fisheries and mitigation measures. Finally, by promoting coordination between SCRS researchers, the SRDCP aims to improve the quality and reduce the uncertainty of the scientific advice on sharks provided to the Commission, and to better assess the impact of management measures on these species.
The implementation of the SRDCP falls within the general framework of the SCRS strategic plan which will provide the overall framework for the required coordination and for the development of the programme. The ICCAT Sharks Species Group recommends that a small group of SCRS scientists should be in charge of elaborating the biological sampling design (which has been initiated in 2014). With regards to collaboration with other organisations, it is important for ICCAT to continue to interact with other RFMOs that conduct scientific studies and provide management for shark species of interest in this research plan (e.g., tRFMOs, GFCM, NAFO and ICES).

Co-funded by the European Union
2023 – present, based on funding provided by the Commission through the regular budget (Science budget) and voluntary contribution from ICCAT CPCs.
The programme aims to improve knowledge of the stock distribution, age and sex of the catch, growth rates, age at maturation, maturation rate, spawning season and location, stock boundaries and mixing, thereby contributing to the next major advance in the assessment of swordfish status. The SWOYP also encompasses an electronic tagging study to better understand swordfish life cycle and habitat use, and Management Strategy Evaluation schedule agreed by the Commission.

Co-funded by the European Union
2024/2029 – This program will be reviewed annually to ensure that research items and priorities are kept up to date based on the latest stock assessments, management strategy evaluation (MSE) roadmap and climate change work plan.
The TTRaD main objective is to improve the current knowledge on the bio-ecology and fisheries for Atlantic tropical tunas stocks, providing important information and more accurate scientific advice to the Commission and building on research undertake during the Atlantic Ocean Tropical Tuna Tagging Programme (AOTTP).