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With the new edition of the Statistical Bulletin, periodical publication of ICCAT since 1973, the Secretariat has tried to improve the presentation of information by including the complete data series from 1950 for tuna and tuna-like species and for sharks, as well as other information (vessels and tagging data). The statistics in this publication represent the scientists’ best estimates, according to the decision by the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS). Therefore, they may not coincide exactly with the official statistics provided to the Secretariat by the Parties, Entities or Fishing Entities.

The graphic presentations of the data have been improved to incorporate more detail in order to make the information clearer. The vertical or horizontal lines in the maps shown in section 4 delimit north/south or east/west stock species.

Data used in this publication correspond to the time of the publication and are subject to possible revisions. Thus, it is recommended that potential users of this information consult the ICCAT web site ( in order to verify the availability of later versions. Considering that all the data included in this publication are available on the ICCAT web site, only the most recent issues of the collection, available in electronic format, have been incorporated into the web.

Volume Year
Vol. 50 2025
Vol. 49 2024
Vol. 48 2023
Vol. 47 2022
Vol. 46 2020
Vol. 45 2019
Vol. 44 2018
Vol. 43 (II) 2017
Vol. 43 (I) 2016
Vol. 42 (II) 2015
Vol. 42 (I) 2014
Vol. 41 (II) 2013
Vol. 41 2012
Vol. 40 2011
Vol. 39 2010
Vol. 38 2009
Vol. 37 2008
Vol. 36 2007
Vol. 35 2006
Vol. 34 2005