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ICCAT strives to obtain complete and accurate statistics from all countries, entities and fishing entities operating tuna, tuna-like and shark fisheries in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. All countries/entities or fishing entities which operate tuna and/or shark fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas are requestedto submit their tuna/shark fisheries data. The following information is required.

Data Requests

The following Circulars provide information about the formats to use and the deadlines for submitting data to ICCAT.

Requirements Deadline Forms
Request for statistics (Task 1 & Task 2) on atlantic tunas and sharks in the ICCAT convention area 15 July* Statistics

List of Reporting Requirements for the SCRS in 2025

Req Nº Information required Reference Para. Deadline Form Information required from Email address

Req Nº Information required Reference Para. Deadline Form Information required from Email address

Req Nº Information required Reference Para. Deadline Form Information required from Email address

Req Nº Information required Reference Para. Deadline Form Information required from Email address

Req Nº Information required Reference Para. Deadline Form Information required from Email address

Req Nº Information required Reference Para. Deadline Form Information required from Email address

Req Nº Information required Reference Para. Deadline Form Information required from Email address

Req Nº Information required Reference Para. Deadline Form Information required from Email address

Notes: The deadlines differ for species for which a stock assessment or data preparatory meeting is being conducted
Fishery Statistics
  • Task 1 catch statistics - Nominal annual catch of tuna, tuna-like species and sharks, by region, gear, flag and species, and where possible, by EEZ and High Seas. Catches should be reported in kilograms, round (live) weight.
  • Task 1 fleet characteristics - Number of fishing vessels by size classes, gear and flag.
  • Task 2 catch and effort statistics - Catch and effort statistics by area, gear, flag, species and by month.
  • Task 2 size data - Actual size frequencies of fish sampled by area, gear, flag, species and by month and by sex if possible.
  • Catch-at-size data - Catch-at-size data for bluefin, albacore, yellowfin, bigeye and skipjack tunas and swordfish, by gear, sampling area and by month or quarters, and by sex and by 5x5 degree squares if possible. The ICCAT form 3-6 to show sampling coverage and data substitutions is also required.
  • Conventional tagging. The Secretariat maintains a database on conventional tags applied to Atlantic tunas, billfishes and sharks.
  • Archival (electronic) tagging. The Secretariat maintains an inventory of archival tags that have been deployed by various institutions.
Other Data
  • Observer data. A number of nations have observer programs in place and that the information collected from such programs has been or could be provided to ICCAT. The SCRS has recommended that Contracting Parties, and Cooperating non-Contracting Parties, Entities or Fishing Entities that can do so, should provide their observer data to the Secretariat. Be sure to including information on the contents, type of data being submitted, the species or fisheries covered, the data format, etc. Also, please indicate if the data are of a confidential nature.
  • Seabird information. The Commission encourages the collection and reporting of all available information on interactions with seabirds, including incidental catches in all fisheries under the purview of ICCAT.
  • Turtle information. The Commission encourages the collection and reporting of all available information on interactions with sea turtles in ICCAT fisheries, including incidental catches and other impacts on sea turtles in the Convention area, such as the deterioration of nesting sites and swallowing of marine debris.
  • Data on farmed bluefin tuna. The ICCAT Recommendation on bluefin tuna farming contains several requirements for sampling and reporting of data on details (e.g. size composition) of bluefin tuna catches that go to farming operations.