Composed of Contracting Party Delegations, the Commission carries out the objectives set forth in the 1966 International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
Chair: Ernesto Penas Lado (EU)
1st Vice-Chair: Z. Driouich (Morocco)
2nd Vice-Chair: Ramón Chang (Curaçao)
Standing Committee on Finance and Administration (STACFAD)
Chair: Deidre Warner-Kramer (USA)
Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS)
Chair: Dr. Craig Brown (USA)
Panel 1: Tropical tunas (yellowfin, bigeye and skipjack)
Chair: Ghana (Emmanuel Kwame Dovlo)
Panel 2: Northern temperate tunas (albacore and Atlantic bluefin)
Chair: Japan (Shingo Ota)
Panel 3: Southern temperate tunas (albacore and southern bluefin)
Chair: South Africa (Qayiso Kenneth Mketsu)
Panel 4: Other species (swordfish, billfishes, small tunas)
Chair: Algeria (Amar Ouchelli)
Conservation and Management Measures Compliance Committee
Chair: D. Campbell (United States)
Permanent Working Group for the Improvement of ICCAT Statistics and Conservation Measures (PWG)
Chair: N. Ansell (EU)
Standing Working Group on Dialogue between Fisheries Scientists and Managers (SWGSM)
Co-chairs: Ernesto Penas Lado (EU) and Craig Brown (USA)
Other groups
Ad Hoc Working Group on FADs
Co-chairs: Paul Bannerman (Ghana, PA1 Chair) and Craig Brown (USA, SCRS Chair)
eBCD Technical Working Group
Chair: Neil Ansell (EU)
Port Inspection Expert Group for Capacity Building and Assistance
Chair: Alexandre Kempff (EU)
Ad Hoc Working Group on Mediterranean Albacore Working Group
Chair: Shingo Ota (Japan)
Working Group on Electronic Monitoring Systems (EMS)
Chair: Neil Ansell (EU)
Ad Hoc Working Group on Labour Standards (LSWG)
Chair: Alexa Cole (United States)
Standing Catch Document Scheme Working Group (CDS WG)
Chair: Neil Ansell
Executive Secretary: Mr. Camille Jean Pierre Manel