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Our Team

The ICCAT Secretariat has 41 staff: 25 in the Professional or Higher category (P), 16 in the General Services Category (GS) and in local contracts (equivalent to GS scale).

Professional or Higher (P)
General Services (GS)

Mr. Camille Jean Pierre Manel

Executive Secretary

Mr. Camille Jean Pierre Manel

Executive Secretary

joined in VII-2018

Email: camille.manel(at)

Mr. Camille Jean Pierre Manel

Executive Secretary

The Executive Secretary is responsible for the selection and administration of the staff of the Commission and oversees the implementation of the main functions for the Commission, such as:

(a) coordination of research programs;
(b) preparation of budget estimates for review by the Commission;
(c) authorization of the disbursement of funds in accordance with the budget;
(d) accounting for the funds of the Commission;
(e) arrangement of cooperation with sister organizations;
(f) compilation of necessary fishery statistics;
(g) preparation of scientific, administrative and other reports

Email: camille.manel(at)

Dr. Miguel Neves dos Santos

Assistant Executive Secretary

Dr. Miguel Neves dos Santos undertakes all the tasks delegated to him by the Executive Secretary, including management of the Secretariat and representation of the ICCAT Secretariat at meetings of a technical and/or administrative nature. In addition, he serves as the Scientific Coordinator, carrying out tasks related to coordination of research programs, compilation of fishery statistics, preparation of reports and coordination with sister organizations. He is responsible for the Department of Translation and Publications as well as coordination of work between the Departments of Science, Statistics and Compliance. He is also responsible for coordination between the Secretariat and the SCRS along with preparation of SCRS meetings and management of Commission meeting documents.

Email: miguel.santos(at)

Dr. Miguel Neves dos Santos

Assistant Executive Secretary

Dr. Miguel Neves dos Santos

Assistant Executive Secretary

joined in V-2015

Email: miguel.santos(at)

Departments and Research Programmes

Activities on Research and Statistics

Due to its mandate to manage and conserve tuna fishery resources, ICCAT carries out a wide spectrum of scientific research and monitoring activities. While the Secretariat is directly involved in coordination of some of these activities, much of the research is carried out by the Contracting Parties. Research and statistics activities, under the direct supervision of the Assistant Executive Secretary and Scientific Coordinator, are conducted by the Departments of Science and of Statistics.

Main Tasks: Data requests; Standards for data submission; Database development; Database user interfaces; Data quality control; Data extraction and publication; Web site management; Tagging inventory; Preparation of reports; SCRS coordination.

Science Department

Science underpins the management decisions made by ICCAT. The Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS), is the science branch of the Commission, and is therefore responsible for providing scientific advice to the Commission. Although much of the science and research is carried out by the Contracting Parties, upon the request of the SCRS, the Secretariat has a key role in assisting the Committee on a range of tasks.

Main tasks: data analysis to support and/or facilitate the provision of advice; setting meetings and providing relevant information and data; providing input data for the stock assessment process and facilitating compilation and storage of all relevant data; preparing reports.

This Department is staffed by three people: a Head of Department and Fisheries Data Analyst, a Bycatch Coordinator and a Population Dynamics Expert.

Dr.Mauricio Ortiz

Department Head and Fishery Data Analyst

Dr.Mauricio Ortiz

Department Head and Fishery Data Analyst

joined in VII-2010.

Email: mauricio.ortiz(at)

Dr. Nathan Taylor

Bycatch coordinator

Dr. Nathan Taylor

Bycatch coordinator

Joined in VII-2018

Email: nathan.taylor(at)

Dr. Ai Kimoto

Population dynamics expert

Dr. Ai Kimoto

Population dynamics expert

joined in V-2018

Email: ai.kimoto(at)

Statistics Department

ICCAT compiles fishery statistics from its members and from all entities fishing for ICCAT species in the Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent Seas. Accordingly, the Secretariat maintains a large number of databases containing information on fishery statistics and compliance related matters, which are essential for provision of scientific advice and the decision-making process for conservation and management of ICCAT stocks and fisheries.

Main tasks: data requests and data submission standards; database development; software development (database user interfaces and applications in general); quality control of data; data dissemination (structures, extraction, publication); tagging inventory; and preparation of reports.

This Department is staffed by eight people: a Head of Department and Database Programmer, a Biostatistician, a Database Programmer and GIS expert, a Programming Technician, and four Software Developers.

Carlos Mayor

Department Head and Database Programmer

Carlos Mayor

Department Head and Database Programmer

joined in IX-2017

Email: carlos.mayor(at)

Bruno Deprez


Bruno Deprez


joined in XI-2024

Email: bruno.deprez(at)

Jesús García

Database programmer / GIS Expert

Jesús García

Database programmer / GIS Expert

joined in III-2021

Email: jesus.garcia(at)

Juan Luis Gallego

Programming technician

Juan Luis Gallego

Programming technician

joined in IV-1984

Email: luis.gallego(at)

Manuel Maestre

Software Developer (IOMS)

Manuel Maestre

Software Developer (IOMS)

joined in V-2019

Email: manuel.maestre(at)

José Sanz

Software Developer (IOMS)

José Sanz

Software Developer (IOMS)

joined in VI-2019

Email: jose.sanz(at)

Dashiel Portel

Software Developer (IOMS)

Dashiel Portel

Software Developer (IOMS)

joined in IV-2021

Email: dashiel.portel(at)

Aitor Elorriaga

Software Developer (IOMS)

Aitor Elorriaga

Software Developer (IOMS)

joined in III-2024

Email: aitor.elorriaga(at)
Department of Compliance

Each year, the Commission adopts an increasing number of Recommendations and Resolutions that require CPCs to report various types of information, many relating to MCS measures. There are currently almost 130 reporting requirements of this type. The amount of this information that needs to be assimilated by the Secretariat and transmitted to the Commission is such that a Department of Compliance became necessary some years ago to accommodate this need. The Department is currently staffed by seven people: A Department Head who is primarily responsible for the Department, two Compliance Officers, two Technical Officers, a Compliance Assistant and a Full Stack Developer for the eBCD.

Main Tasks: Drafting Compliance Tables and compliance summaries and associated correspondence; maintaining vessel and other ICCAT Records; implementation of Regional Observer Programmes; VMS management, inventory of vessel chartering and access agreement; Port Inspection; Joint Inspection Scheme, bluefin tuna farming reports; periodic (weekly, monthly, quarterly) catch reports, data and validation from ICCAT Statistical Document and BFT Catch Documentation Programs, eBCD management; Compendia of management regulations; determination of reporting requirements, Requests for Cooperating Status; Requests for observer status; Annual Reports; Compliance Queries, as well as tasks involving general correspondence with CPCs, IGOs and others.


Alberto Parrilla

Department Head

Alberto Parrilla

Department Head

joined in V-2008

Email: alberto.parrilla(at)

M'Hamed Idrissi

Compliance Officer

M'Hamed Idrissi

Compliance Officer

joined in III-2011

Email: mhamed.idrissi(at)

Dr. Valerie Samedy

Compliance Officer

Dr. Valerie Samedy

Compliance Officer

joined in X-2019

Email: valerie.samedy(at)

Felix Mergarejo

VMS Manager/Technical Officer

Felix Mergarejo

VMS Manager/Technical Officer

joined in XI-2024

Email: felix.mergarejo(at)

Aldana Vieito

Compliance Assistant

Aldana Vieito

Compliance Assistant

joined in II-2010

Email: aldana.vieito(at)

Javier Martínez

Full Stack Developer (eBCD)

Javier Martínez

Full Stack Developer (eBCD)

joined in VI-2020

Email: javier.martinez(at)

Dawn Baity

Technical Officer

Dawn Baity

Technical Officer

joined in VI-2022

Email: dawn.baity(at)

Department of Translation and Publications

The Commission's work involves numerous tasks related to the compilation, adoption, translation and publication of meeting reports and scientific articles. The Department of Translation and Publications is responsible for these tasks as well as the webpage design. The Department is staffed by eight people: a Publications editor, two English Translators, two French Translators, two Spanish Translators and a Webmaster and Database Programmer. The Department is coordinated by the Assisstant Executive Secretary.

Main Tasks: Translation; Formats; Rapporteuring; Report Adoption; Compilation of Reports; ASFA entries; FIRMS entries; Coordination of Peer Reviews of scientific papers; Electronic Posting; Communications; Web site design and management.

Marisa de Andrés

Publications editor

Marisa de Andrés

Publications editor

joined in I-2001

Email: marisa.deandres(at)

Christine Peyre

French Translator

Christine Peyre

French Translator

joined in VI-2000

Email: christine.peyre(at)

Mª José García Orad

Spanish Translator

Mª José García Orad

Spanish Translator

joined in I-2002

Email: mariajose.garcia(at)

Karen Donovan

English Translator

Karen Donovan

English Translator

joined in II-2014

Email: karen.donovan(at)

Rebecca Campoy

English Translator

Rebecca Campoy

English Translator

joined in III-2004

Email: rebecca.campoy(at)

Dorothée Pinet

French Translator

Dorothée Pinet

French Translator

joined in III-2010

Email: dorothee.pinet(at)

Beatriz Motos

Spanish Translator

Beatriz Motos

Spanish Translator

joined in V-2022

Email: beatriz.motos(at)

Juan Carlos Muñoz

Webmaster / Database Programmer

Juan Carlos Muñoz

Webmaster / Database Programmer

joined in VI-2003

Email: juan.carlos(at)

Department of Administration and Finance

The Commission has grown considerably with regards to tasks and the personnel hired by ICCAT to carry out its mandate. Within the Secretariat, administrative and financial tasks have been consolidated in the Department of Administration and Finance . The Department is comprised of eight people, a Department Head, two accounting assistants, an administrative secretary, two administrative assistants, an administrative assistant to the Executive Secretary , a support staff member in charge of copying and mailing.

Main Tasks: Budget preparation and control; Accounting; Financial Report; Administrative Report; ICCAT Meetings; Special funds; Human Resources within the Secretariat; Purchasing and leasing; Travel requests; Reception; Archives; Contact information management; Library and publications inventory; Photocopying and scanning; Mailing.

Audits of the Commission's accounts and expenditures are carried out by an external firm.

María Bonacasa

Department Head

María Bonacasa

Department Head

joined in VII-2023

Email: maria.bonacasa(at)

África Martín


África Martín


joined in XI-2002

Email: africa.martin(at)

Ana Martínez

Accounting Assistant

Ana Martínez

Accounting Assistant

joined in V-2005

Email: ana.martinez(at)

Juan Angel Moreno

Mail and photocopying

Juan Angel Moreno

Mail and photocopying

joined in I-1982

Email: juan.angel(at)

Esther Peña

Administrative secretary

Esther Peña

Administrative secretary

joined in II-2003

Email: esther.pena(at)

Gisela Porto

Administrative assistant to the Executive Secretary

Gisela Porto

Administrative assistant to the Executive Secretary

joined in XII-2009

Email: gisela.porto(at)

Pablo Herranz

Administrative assistant

Pablo Herranz

Administrative assistant

joined in V-2016

Email: pablo.herranz(at)

Ingrid Ferrer

Administrative assistant

Ingrid Ferrer

Administrative assistant

joined in VII-2023

Email: ingrid.ferrer(at)

Information Technology (IT)

Mr Jesus Fiz is responsible for Information Technology and for the security of the Information Systems at the ICCAT Secretariat. He serves under the direct supervision of the Executive Secretary. Main tasks include: design, plan, manage, and ensure maintenance and protection of the IT at the Secretariat; managing the security of the information systems and communications; alignment of the Information Security to ICCAT objectives; facilitate the implementation of the ISO 27001, and technically support the adaptation of the Data Protection Policy.

Jesús Fiz

IT Manager

Jesús Fiz

IT Manager

joined in VI-2003

Email: jesus.fiz(at)

Álvaro Fúster

IT Specialist Technician

Álvaro Fúster

IT Specialist Technician

joined in V-2024

Email: alvaro.fuster(at)

ICCAT Research and Data Collection Programmes

Special research programmes have been used by ICCAT as a mechanism to help focus, coordinate and complement the national research activities. The overall goal of the programmes is to improve the scientific basis to formulate management decisions for the different species.

Funding has been renewed annually. The programmes include a list of actions to be carried out over various years, such as recovering basic data collection, improving the knowledge of key biological and ecological processes, development of new approaches for management and the provision of scientific advice.

The Assistant Executive Secretary is the overall Coordinator of these programmes, assisted by an Officer. In addition, there is a GBYP Coordinator and a Database specialist, funded by voluntary contributions within GBYP.

Dr. Francisco Alemany


Dr. Francisco Alemany


joined in I-2018.

Email: francisco.alemany(at)

Staša Tenšek


Staša Tenšek


joined in I-2024.

Email: stasa.tensek(at)

Alfonso Pagá

Database specialist

Alfonso Pagá

Database specialist

joined in V-2015.

Email: alfonso.paga(at)