Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
In accordance with Rec. 19-10, paragraph 7, flag CPCs and non-CPCs with vessels carrying observers deployed under an ICCAT ROP shall develop and implement an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) to be followed in the event an observer dies, is missing or presumed fallen overboard, suffers from a serious illness or injury that threatens his or her health, safety, or welfare, or has been assaulted, intimidated, threatened or harassed. These EAPs shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary for posting on the ICCAT web site as soon as possible after the entry into force of this recommendation. New or amended EAPs shall be provided to the Executive Secretary for posting when they become available.
The EAPs submitted by CPCs: 
Albania Algérie Curaçao Egypt European Union Japan Liberia Libya Maroc Norway Panama Senegal Syria Tunisie Turkey
The EAPs submitted by non-CPCs:
Bahamas Singapore