ICCAT Atlantic-Wide Research Programme for Bluefin Tuna (GBYP)
The Atlantic-Wide Research Programme for Bluefin Tuna was officially adopted by the ICCAT Commission in 2008, endorsing the SCRS Chair’s report on Bluefin Tuna Research Priorities and Potential costs. In 2009 the SCRS advised the Commission that to substantially ameliorate the scientific advice such program would focus on the improvement of basic data collection through data mining, understanding of key biological and ecological processes and assessment models and provision of scientific advice on stock status.
During the Commission Meeting in 2009, a number of Contracting Parties expressed a willingness to make extra-budgetary contributions to such a Programme with a view towards initiation of activities related to different priorities: Programme coordination, data mining, aerial surveys and tagging design studies, with additional research activities to be undertaken in the following years. The provision to accept additional contributions from various entities and private institutions or companies was also agreed.
GBYP (Grand Bluefin Tuna Year Programme) was then adopted as official acronym of the research programme. Given that budgetary contributions would be provided annually the Programme have been implemented by annual Phases. To facilitate its coordination and management a post of Programme Coordinator was created and a Steering Committee (SC) was set.