Doc. #
  • Report of the 2024 ICCAT Atlantic blue marlin data preparatory meeting
  • Rapport de la réunion ICCAT de préparation des données sur le makaire bleau de 2024
  • Informe de la reunión ICCAT de preparación de datos de aguja azul del Atlántico de 2024
SCRS/2024/001 Report of the 2024 ICCAT Atlantic blue marlin data preparatory meeting (hybrid/Miami, United States, 11-15 March 2024)                                                                                                                                
Rapport de la réunion ICCAT de préparation des données sur le makaire bleau de 2024 (Hybride/Miami, États-Unis – 11-15 mars 2024)                                                                                                
Informe de la reunión ICCAT de preparación de datos de aguja azul del Atlántico de 2024 (formato híbrido/Miami, Estados Unidos, 11-15 de marzo de 2024)  
Anon. 1-86
SCRS/2024/020 Revision of historical landings statistics of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) caught by the French fishing fleets in the North Atlantic  Vigneau J., Baudrier J., Demanèche S., Guyader O., and Rault J. 1-11
SCRS/2024/021 Standardized catch rates for blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) from the Venezuelan pelagic longline fishery off the Caribbean Sea and adjacent areas of the western central Atlantic 1991-2018  Arocha F., Ortiz M., Evaristo E., Marcano J.H. 1-16
SCRS/2024/023 Atlantic blue marlin standardized CPUE index from the artisanal drift-gillnet fishery operating at the billfish hotspot, off La Guaira, Venezuela (1991-2022)  Narvaez M., Evaristo E., Marcano L.A. and Arocha F. 1-9
SCRS/2024/025 Update of input data (catch and size) for the Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) stock assessment models 2024  Ortiz M., Kimoto A., and Mayor C.  1-17
SCRS/2024/026 Spatio-temporal model for CPUE standardization: application to Atlantic blue marlin caught by Japanese tuna longline fishery from 1994 to 2022  Kai M. 1-17
SCRS/2024/027 Análisis de la información del marlín aguja azul (Makaira nigricans) obtenida por Uruguay en el Atlántico sur en el período 1998-2019  Domingo A., Forselledo R., Jiménez S., Mas F. 1-8
SCRS/2024/029 Blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) standardized indices of abundance from the U.S. pelagic longline and recreational tournament fisheries  Lauretta M., Carlson J., Goodyear P., Schirripa M., and Diaz G.A. 1-26
SCRS/2024/030 CPUE standardization of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) for the Chinese Taipei tuna longline fishery in the Atlantic Ocean using delta approach  Su N-J., Chang C.X. 1-14
  • Report of the ICCAT 2024 Atlantic Blue Marlin Stock Assessment Meeting
  • Rapport de la réunion ICCAT d’évaluation du stock de makaire bleu de l’Atlantique de 2024
  • Informe de la reunión de ICCAT de evaluación de stock de aguja azul del Atlántico de 2024
SCRS/2024/008 Report of the ICCAT 2024 Atlantic Blue Marlin Stock Assessment Meeting (hybrid/Madrid Spain, 17-21 June 2024)                                                                                                                                
Rapport de la réunion ICCAT d’évaluation du stock de makaire bleu de l’Atlantique de 2024 (Hybride/Madrid, Espagne, 17-21 ju 2024)                                                                                                
Informe de la reunión de ICCAT de evaluación de stock de aguja azul del Atlántico de 2024 (formato híbrido/Madrid, España, 17-21 de junio de 2024)  
Anon. 1-101
SCRS/2024/106 Preliminary assessment of Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) using JABBA model (1956-2022)  Mourato B., Kikuchi E., Sant’Ana R., Cardoso L.G., Ngom F., Narváez Ruiz M., Arocha F., Kimoto A., and Ortiz M. 1-21
SCRS/2024/107 Current status of the blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) stock in the Atlantic Ocean 2024: pre-decisional stock assessment model  Schirripa M. 1-29
SCRS/2024/112 2024 Atlantic blue marlin stock assessment updated stock projections Kimoto A., Mourato B., Schirripa M., Kikuchi E., and Ortiz M. 1-7
SCRS/2024/154 Evaluation of the relative fishing mortality impact by main fleet gear on blue marlin and the west sailfish stock Ortiz M., Kimoto A., Schirripa M., and Sow F. N. 1-12
SCRS/2024/159 Update on the 2024 billfish tagging campaign in southern Portugal (NE Atlantic), within the Enhanced Programme for Billfish Research (EPBR) Coelho R., Barbosa C., Melo M. A., and Rosa D. 1-10
SCRS/2024/182 There is no evidence for differentiating sailfish in the Atlantic (Istiophorus albicans)from sailfish in the Indo-Pacific (Istiophorus platypterus) Di Natale A. and Collette B.B. 1-6

Doc. #
  • Report of the 2024 ICCAT Yellowfin Tuna Data Preparatory Meeting
  • Rapport de la réunion de l’ICCAT de 2024 de préparation des données sur l’albacore
  • Informe de la reunión de ICCAT de preparación de datos de rabil de 2024
SCRS/2024/002 Report of the 2024 ICCAT Yellowfin Tuna Data Preparatory Meeting (hybrid/Madrid, Spain, 8-12 April 2024)/Rapport de la réunion de l’ICCAT de 2024 de préparation des données sur l’albacore (hybride/Madrid, Espagne, 8-12 avril 2024)/Informe de la reunión de ICCAT de preparación de datos de rabil de 2024 (formato híbrido/Madrid, España, 8-12 de abril de 2024)
Anon 1-109
SCRS/2024/017 Report of ICCAT capacity building workshops for management strategy evaluation in tropical tuna fisheries  Die D., Sant’Ana R., and Mourato B. 1-13
SCRS/2024/034 Standardized yellowfin tuna CPUE of the multiple longline fleets by vector autoregressive spatiotemporal GLMM in the Atlantic Ocean  Satoh K., Sant’Ana R., Wang S-P., Tsai W-P., Su N-J, Chang S-T., Chang F-C., Matsumoto T., Park H., Lim J-h, Kwon Y., Lee S. I., Lauretta M., Kitakado T. 1-23
SCRS/2024/037 Natural mortality estimates of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans  Artetxe-Arrate I., Lastra-Luque P., Fraile I., Zudaire I., Morón Correa G., Merino G., and Urtizberea A. 1-11
SCRS/2024/041 Standardized CPUE abundance indices for adult yellowfin tuna caught in free-swimming school sets by the European purse-seine fleet in the Atlantic Ocean, 1991-2022  Kaplan D., Morón Correa G., Ramos Alonso M.L., Duparc A., Uranga J., Floch L., Rojo Méndez V., Pascual Alayón P., and Merino G. 1-54
SCRS/2024/042 Standardized catch rates for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) from the Venezuelan purse seine fishery in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters of the western central Atlantic for the period of 1987-2022  Narváez M., Evaristo E., Marcano J.H., Gutiérrez X.; and Arocha F. 1-11
SCRS/2024/043 Standardized catch rates for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) from the Venezuelan baitboat fishery in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters of the western central Atlantic for the period of 1987-2022  Narváez M., Evaristo E., Marcano J.H., Gutiérrez X., and Arocha F. 1-11
SCRS/2024/044 Index of abundance of yellowfin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean derived from echosounder buoys (2010-2023)  Uranga J., Goienetxea I., Grande M., Quincoces I., Merino G., Boyra G., Urtizberea A., Santiago J. 1-18
SCRS/2024/045 Statistics of the French purse seine fishing fleet targeting tropical tunas in the Atlantic Ocean (1991-2022)  Floch L., Cauquil P., Depetris M., Duparc A., Imzilen T., Lerebourg C., Sabarros P.S., and Lebranchu J. 1-41
SCRS/2024/046 Conversion factors for tropical tunas caught with purse seine in the Atlantic Ocean. Update of the article “Conversion factors update for tropical tunas caught with purse seine in the Atlantic Ocean”  Fily T., Duparc A. 1-11
SCRS/2024/047 Revision of historical catch statistics of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) caught by the Mexican fishing fleet in the Gulf of Mexico Ramirez-Lopez K., Rojas González R.I., and Mayor C. 1-10
SCRS/2024/049 CPUE Standardization of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) caught by Brazilian and Uruguayan longline fleets in Southwest Atlantic Ocean using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation  Sant'Ana R.,E. Kikuchi,  Mourato B., Forselledo R., F. Masand Domingo A. 1-14
SCRS/2024/050 2024 Workplan for the development of the western Atlantic skipjack tuna MSE  Sant'Ana R., Mourato B.L. 1-18
SCRS/2024/051 Estadísticas de las pesquerías atuneras españolas en el Océano Atlántico tropical (1990-2022)  Rojo V.., Déniz S., Abascal F. J., N’Gom F., Yala D., Casañas I., Ramos M.L., Báez J.C., and Pascual-Alayón P.J. 1-25
SCRS/2024/052 Standardized catch per unit effort of yellowfin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean for the European purse seine fleet operating on floating objects  Morón Correa G., Kaplan D.M., Grande M., Uranga J., Ramos Alonso M.L., Pascual Alayón P., Rojo V., Merino G., and Santiago J. 1-26
SCRS/2024/056 Standardized CPUE of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) by region for the Chinese Taipei tuna longline fleet in the Atlantic Ocean using delta approach  Nan-Jay S. and Chi-Xuan C. 1-16
  • Report of the 2024 ICCAT Yellowfin Tuna Stock Assessment Meeting
  • Rapport de la réunion de l'ICCAT de 2024 de l'évauation du stock d’albacore
  • Informe de la reunión de ICCAT de evaluación del stock de rabil de 2024
SCRS/2024/009 Report of the 2024 ICCAT Yellowfin Tuna Stock Assessment Meeting (hybrid/Madrid, Spain, 8-12 July 2024) / Rapport de la réunion de l’ICCAT de 2024 de l'évauation du stock d’albacore (hybride/Madrid, Espagne, 8-12 juillet 2024)/Informe de la reunión de ICCAT de evaluación del stock de rabil de 2024 (formato híbrido/Madrid, España, 8-12 de julio de 2024) Anon. 1-137
SCRS/2024/114 Preliminary Atlantic yellowfin tuna stock assessment in 2024: An implementation of Bayesian state-space surplus production model using JABBA Sant'Ana R., Kimoto A., Kikuchi E., Cardoso L.G., Mourato B., and Ortiz M. 1-28
SCRS/2024/115 Development state of the western Atlantic skipjack tuna MSE process in June 2024  Sant'Ana R., Mourato B. 1-11
SCRS/2024/116 Potential improvements to the Atlantic yellowfin tuna stock assessment model from age structured production model (ASPM) analysis Ijima H. 1-5
SCRS/2024/117 Update on standardized catch rates for skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) from the Venezuelan purse seine fishery in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters of the western Central Atlantic for the period of 1987-2023  Narváez M., Evaristo E., Marcano J.H., Gutiérrez X., and Arocha F. 1-13
SCRS/2024/119 Revision of historical catch statistics of bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) caught by the Mexican fishing fleet in the Gulf of Mexico  Ramírez-López K., Rojas-González R.I., and Mayor C. 1-10
SCRS/2024/120 Updated catch at size estimates for the Chinese tropical tuna longline fishery in 2015 - 2021 Ji F., Fan Z., Jiangfeng Z., and Feng W. 1-4
SCRS/2024/121 Preliminary estimates of natural mortality using the AOTTP conventional tagging data  Ailloud L.E. 1-9
SCRS/2024/122 Update relative abundance index of western Atlantic skipjack tuna caught by Brazilian baitboat fleet in southwestern Atlantic Ocean Sant'Ana R., Mourato B.L., Kikuchi E., Cardoso L.G., and Travassos P. 1-18
SCRS/2024/124 Etude comparée de l’âge déterminé à partir de l’otolithe, l’épine dorsale et la vertèbre de Thunnus albacares. Agnissan A. R.,  Diaha N.C., Ailloud L., Coulibaly D., Doffou Y. C., and N’da K. 1-21
SCRS/2024/127 Estimate of the capacity of large-scale purse seiners actively fishing for tropical tunas in the Atlantic Ocean in 2023 Restrepo V.R.., Murua H., and Justel-Rubio A. 1-11
SCRS/2024/147 Preliminary results of exploratory analysis of the Atlantic Ocean yellowfin tuna stock assessment.  Harley S. 1-9
SCRS/2024/148 Developing the climate test: performance metrics for climate robustness  Carruthers T.R. 1-7
SCRS/2024/149 An updated roadmap for MSE development Carruthers T.R. 1-14
SCRS/2024/162 Assessment of candidate management procedures and harvest control rules for the western Atlantic skipjack tuna  Sant'Ana R. and Mourato B. 1-28
SCRS/2024/163 2024 Atlantic yellowfin tuna stock assessment stochastic stock projections applying a Monte Carlo approach  Lauretta M., Kimoto A., Zipp K., Sagarese S., Courtney D., Urtizberea A., Merino G., Ortiz M., and Cass-Calay S. 1-6
SCRS/2024/168 Evaluation of the relative fishing mortality impact by main fleet gear on Atlantic yellowfin stock  Ortiz M., Kimoto A., Lauretta M., Die D., and Cass-Calay S. 1-11
SCRS/2024/174 Fishery indicators of the purse seine tropical tuna fisheries: toward a blueprint for uniformization of fisheries descriptors Pascual-Alayón P.J., Lerebourg C., Duparc A., Floch L., Depetris M., Deniz S., Rojo V., Ramos M.L., Abascal F., Báez J.C, Casañas I., and Ramos V. 1-11

Doc. #
  • Report of the 2024 ICCAT Mediterranean Albacore Data Preparatory and Stock Assessment Meeting
  • Rapport de la reunion de l’ICCAT de preparation des donnees et d'evaluation du stock de germon de la Mediterranee de 2024
  • Informe de la Reunión de 2024 de preparación de datos y de evaluación de stock de atún blanco del Mediterráneo
SCRS/2024/005 Report of the 2024 ICCAT Mediterranean Albacore Data Preparatory and Stock Assessment Meeting (hybrid, Madrid Spain, 13-18 May 2024)/Rapport de la reunion de l’ICCAT de preparation des donnees et d'evaluation du stock de germon de la Mediterranee de 2024
(hybride/Madrid, Espagne, 13-18 mai 2024)/Informe de la Reunión de 2024 de preparación de datos y de evaluación de stock de atún blanco del Mediterráneo (formato híbrido, Madrid (España), 13-18 de mayo de 2024)
Anon. 1-120
SCRS/2024/031 Standardized albacore-targeted catch rates in the EU-Spain surface longline fishery in the western Mediterranean for the period 2009-2022  Garcia–Barcelona, S., Macias D., Rueda L., Rioja P., Puerto M.A., and Saber S.  1-9
SCRS/2024/032 Some features of the EU-Spain surface albacore (Thunnus alalunga) fishery in 2023 Ortiz de Zarate V., Jaranay M., and Quelle P.  1-9
SCRS/2024/033 Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) reproductive biology study for the North Atlantic stock: Years 2023 and 2024 Ortiz de Zarate V., Macias D., Arocha F., Su N.J., Dheeraj B., Hanke A., Puerto M.A., Gómez M.J., Quelle P., Chapela., and Jaranay M. 1-17
SCRS/2024/066 Standardized catch per unit of effort of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) from the EU-Spain baitboat fleet for period: 1981-2023 in the North East Atlantic  Ortiz de Zarate V., Ortiz M. 1-11
SCRS/2024/068 Factors to be taken into account for the albacore fishery in the Mediterranean Sea  Di Natale A. 1-21
SCRS/2024/069 Actualization of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) retro-calculated larval abundances in the western Mediterranean Sea (2001-2022)  Tugores M.P., Torres A.P., Martín M., Balbín R., Alvarez I., Santandreu M., Reglero P., and Alvarez-Berastegui D. 1-19
SCRS/2024/070 Assessing the adequacy of survey strategies in the Balearic Sea (western Mediterranean) for monitoring abundances of the albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) during early life stages  Alvarez-Berastegui D., Tugores M.P., Torres A.P., Alvarez I., Casaucao A., Reglero P., and Saber S. 1-10
SCRS/2024/076 Preliminary 2024 stock assessment of Mediterranean albacore (Thunnus alalunga) using the Bayesian state-space surplus production model JABBA  Pinto C., Kimoto A., and Winker H. 1-57
SCRS/2024/077 Climate Change effects on albacore tuna, a review  Goikoetxea N, Arrizabalaga H., Erauzkin M., Merino G., and Andonegi E. 1-15
SCRS/2024/078 Update of standardized albacore catch rates from EU-Italy drifting longline fisheries  Pinto C., Di Natale A., and Garibaldi F. 1-11
SCRS/2024/080 Standardized CPUE rates from the EU-Greece albacore fishery in the eastern Mediterranean  Tserpes G., Peristeraki P. 1-7
SCRS/2024/083 Standardized CPUE of albacore tuna in the North Atlantic Ocean for the Chinese Taipei Longline fishery: updated to 2023  Su N-J., Chang C.X 1-12
SCRS/2024/156 Thunnus alalunga (Bonaterre 1788) reproductive biology study in South Atlantic Travassos P., Souza P., Araújo M.L.G., Rêgo M., Evêncio J., Cardoso L.G., West W., Kerwath S., Domingo A., Forselledo R., Su N.J., Santana F., and Jagger C. 1-16
SCRS/2024/180 Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) reproductive biology study for the North Atlantic stock: Years 2023 and 2024 Macías D., Arocha F., Su N.J., Dheeraj B., Hanke A., Puerto M.A., Gómez M.J., Quelle P., Chapela I., Jaranay M., and Ortiz de Zárate V. 1-23

Doc. #
  • Report of the Subcommittee of Ecosystems and Bycatch (SC-ECO)
  • Rapport du Sous-comité des écosystèmes et des prises accessoires (SC-ECO)
  • Informe del Subcomité de ecosistemas y capturas fortuitas (SC-ECO)

  • Report of the 2024 Second ICCAT Ecoregion Workshop on the identification of regions in the ICCAT Convention area for supporting the implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management
  • Rapport du deuxieme atelier de l’ICCAT sur les Ecoregions de 2024 sur l'identification des regions de la zone de la Convention de l’ICCAT en vue de soutenir la mise en oeuvre de l'approche ecosystemique de la gestion des pecheries
  • Informe del segundo taller sobre Ecorregiones de ICCAT de 2024 sobre la identificación de regiones en la zona del Convenio de ICCAT para apoyar la implementación del enfoque ecosistémico en la ordenación de pesquerías
SCRS/2024/006 Report of the 2024 Subcommittee of Ecosystems and Bycatch (SC-ECO) (hybrid/ Madrid (Spain), 27-31 May 2024) /Rapport du Sous-comité des écosystèmes et des prises accessoires (SC-ECO) (hybride/Madrid, Espagne, 27-31 mai 2024) / Informe del Subcomité de ecosistemas y capturas fortuitas (SC-ECO) (formato híbrido, Madrid (España), 27-31 de mayo de 2024) Anon. 1-79
SCRS/2024/010 Report of the 2024 Second ICCAT Ecoregion Workshop on the identification of regions in the ICCAT Convention area for supporting the implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management (online, 24-26 april 2024)/ Rapport du deuxieme atelier de l’ICCAT sur les Ecoregions de 2024 sur l'identification des regions de la zone de la Convention de l’ICCAT en vue de soutenir la mise en oeuvre de l'approche ecosystemique de la gestion des pecheries (en ligne, 24-26 avril 2024) / Informe del segundo taller sobre Ecorregiones de ICCAT de 2024 sobre la identificación de regiones en la zona del Convenio de ICCAT para apoyar la implementación del enfoque ecosistémico en la ordenación de pesquerías (en línea, 24-26 de abril de 2024) Anon. 1-37
SCRS/2024/040 Information available on mobulid rays in the Atlantic Ocean and the need for conservation Cronin M., Moreno G., and Restrepo V. 1-12
SCRS/2024/048 Ongoing projects to understand and mitigate bycatch from the longline bluefin tuna fishery in the French Mediterranean Landreau A, Nieblas A., Bonhommeau S., Boyer A., Chanut J., Derridj O., Brisset B., Evano H., Wendling B., Cosnard N., Boguais A., Bernard S., Kerzerho V., and Rouyer T, 1-14
SCRS/2024/062 Pre-worshop analysis in preparation for the second ICCAT Ecoregion workshop "Identification of regions in the ICCAT Convention area to inform the implementation of the ecosystems approach to fisheries management" Nieblas A.E., Andonegi E., Murua H., and Juan-Jordá M.J. 1-94
SCRS/2024/079 Effectiveness of conservation and management measures for reducing seabird bycatch on pelagic longlines in the South Atlantic Bell J., Bertoldi Carneiro A., Bielli A., Jiménez S., Oppel S., Phillips R., Wade H., Yates O., Griffiths S., and Reeves S., 1-33
SCRS/2024/081 Incorporating climate considerations into fisheries assessments and management advice at ICCAT Taylor N.G. and Walter J.F. 1-11
SCRS/2024/085 Pilot product to test the utility of ICCAT ecoregions for supporting the development of ecosystem-based advice product Ortuño-Crespo G, Andonegi E., Murua H., and Juan-Jordá M. 1-82
SCRS/2024/087 EcoTest Phase III: Identifying indicators Carruthers T, Huynh Q., and Taylor N.G. 1-15
SCRS/2024/088 Incorporating bycatch release devices in guidelines for best bycatch handling and release practices in tropical tuna purse seiners Murua J., Ferarios J.M., Grande M., Ruiz J., Cuevas N., Krug I., Onandia I., Zudaire I., Salgado A., Erauskin-Extramiana M., Lopetegui-Eguren L., and Santiago J. 1-22
SCRS/2024/089 Review of the ICCAT Rec. 07-07 and Rec. 11-09 against ACAP best practice advice for reducing the impact of pelagic longline fisheries on seabirds Jiménez S., Wade H., Gianuca D., Debski I., Tierney M., Yates O., Wieslawa M., Bogle C. 1-7
SCRS/2024/091 Extending the ecosystem report card: an example of including demographic indicators Kell L., Cardinale M., Griffiths C., Mosqueira I., and Wright S. 1-11
SCRS/2024/092 Offshore wind energy development and highly migratory species: ecological, fishery and management implications Hendon R., Serafy J, Walter J, Lipsky A, Curtis T, Di Natale A., Rouyer T., Hanke A., Alvarez-Berastegui D., Orbesen E., Lauretta M., and Stelzenmüller V, 1-21
SCRS/2024/096 Do we need the ecoregions in the ICCAT Convention area for supporting the implementation of ecosystem-based fisheries management? A critical reflection Czerwinski I, Domingo A., and Baez J.C. 1-13
SCRS/2024/099 Development of risk screening tool to support ICCAT EAFM based on machine learning Tsuji S., Tanaka T., Hasegawa T., Nishimoto M., and Ochi D. 1-18
SCRS/2024/101 Evidence of minimal interaction of sea turtles in tuna longline fishing in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea Ramírez-López K., Rojas-González R. I., Wakida-Kusunoki A.T., and Vallarta-Zárate J.F. 1-14

Doc. #
  • Report of the 2024 ICCAT Intersessional Meeting of Bluefin Tuna Species Group (BFTSG)
  • Rapport de la réunion intersessions de 2024 du Groupe d’espèces de l’ICCAT sur le thon rouge (BFTSG)
  • Informe de la reunión intersesiones de 2024 del Grupo de especies de atún rojo de ICCAT (BFTSG)
SCRS/2024/003 Report of the 2024 ICCAT Intersessional Meeting of Bluefin Tuna Species Group (BFTSG) (hybrid/ Sliema, Malta, 15-18 April 2024)/R apport de la réunion intersessions de 2024 du Groupe d’espèces de l’ICCAT sur le thon rouge (BFTSG) (Hybride/ Sliema (Malte), 15 - 18 avril 2024)/Informe de la reunión intersesiones de 2024 del Grupo de especies de atún rojo de ICCAT (BFTSG) (formato híbrido/Sliema, Malta, 15-18 de abril de 2024) Anon. 1-70
SCRS/2024/053 Model-based sampling design for eastern bluefin tuna close-kin mark recapture Bravington M., Fernandez C. 1-32
SCRS/2024/058 Planning necessary revisions for updating some of the current CPUE data set aggregations and areas for the bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) Di Natale A., Garibaldi F. 1-17
SCRS/2024/072 Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnusL.) catches in the Palestinian area (southeastern Mediterranean Sea)  Salah J., Aboutair M., Zava B., and Di Natale A. 1-14
SCRS/2024/125 In memoriam of a tuna scientist, Prof. Pasquale Arena  Di-Natale A. 1-13
SCRS/2024/128 Update of the indicator of relative abundance for bluefin tuna using Atlantic Canadian fisheries data from 1996 to 2023 Hanke A.R. 1-24
SCRS/2024/132 ICCAT Atlantic-Wide Research Programme for Bluefin Tuna (GBYP) activity report for phase 13 and the first part of phase 14 (2023-2024) Alemany F., Tensek S., and Pagá García A. 1-21
SCRS/2024/138 Explaining the discrepancy between stereocamera footage and measured harvest length data of farmed Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)  Deguara S., Alemany F.J., and Pagá A. 1-9
SCRS/2024/139 Updated index of the Balfegó purse seine fleet (2003-2024)  and the abnormalities observed in the 2024 fishing season Gordoa A. and Navarro J. 1-10
SCRS/2024/142 Preliminary results and perspectives from Bluefin Tuna tagging activities within the PROMPT and FishNchip projects  Rouyer T., Derridj O., Landreau A., Cabello de Los Cobos M., Arrizabalaga H., Valls F., Teson A., Deguara S., Galea J., Wendling B., Navarro J.J., and Gordoa A. 1-12
SCRS/2024/143 Signs of an expansion of Atlantic bluefin tuna spawning grounds in the western Mediterranean Sea  Pérez-Sánchez T., Pérez M., Quintanilla J.M.,  Macías D.,  Ortega A.,  de la Gándara F.,  Alemany F.,  Vargas-Yáñez M.,  García A., Laiz-Carrión R., and Johnstone C. 1-7
SCRS/2024/150 Feasibility study for the application of the close kin mark recapture methodology for eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna  Rodriguez-Marin E. , Alemany F.,  Bravington M., Díaz-Arce N., Fernández C., Lauretta M., Parma A., Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N., Ruzzante D., and Walter J. 1-22
SCRS/2024/157 Is PGK an appropriate performance statistic for MP performance and selection?  Butterworth D.S. 1-5
SCRS/2024/161 Summary of the 2021-2023 catch and release tagging (CHART) programme for Atlantic bluefin tuna in Southwest England  Ford J., Phillips S., Ribeiro Santos A., Murphy S., McMaster J., Thomas S., Duffy M., Davis S., Arris M., and Righton D. 1-9
SCRS/2024/165 Exploration of alternative designs for Eastern Bluefin tuna Close-Kin Mark Recapture  Bravington M., Fernández C. 1-16
SCRS/2024/167 Activities conducted during the second phase of the pilot study (2024) on automatic fish length estimation for bluefin tuna at the Moroccan Atlantic Farm  Abid N., Bensbai J., Benziane M., Malouli Idrissi M., and Faraj A. 1-9
SCRS/2024/173 Impact of otolith subsampling methods on growth parameter estimates  Busawon D.S., Hanke A. 1-9

Doc. #
  • Report of the 2024 ICCAT Meeting of the Working Group on Stock Assessment Methods
  • Rapport de la réunion intersessions de 2024 du Groupe de travail sur les méthodes d’évaluation des stocks
  • Informe de la reunión de 2024 del Grupo de trabajo sobre métodos de evaluación de stocks
SCRS/2024/007 Report of the 2024 ICCAT Meeting of the Working Group on Stock Assessment Methods (hybrid/Madrid, Spain from 3 to 6 June 2024)/Rapport de la réunion intersessions de 2024 du Groupe de travail sur les méthodes d’évaluation des stocks (Hybride/ Madrid, Espagne, 3-6 juin 2024)/Informe de la reunión de 2024 del Grupo de trabajo sobre métodos de evaluación de stocks (Formato híbrido, Madrid, España, 3-6 de junio de 2024) Anon. 1-60
SCRS/2024/018 Expert-driven testing and proposed improvements to a bycatch estimator toolkit Babcock E.A., Harford W.J., Adao A., and Gedamke T. 1-7
SCRS/2024/028 A review of objectives, reference points, and performance indicators for management strategy evaluation at tRFMOs Taylor N.G., Miller S., and Duprey N. 1-12
SCRS/2024/060 Standardization of the fishery dependent index of abundance for Atlantic bluefin tuna in the southwestern Nova Scotia using spatio-temporal modelling based on VAST: 1996 to 2022 Akia S., Hanke A. 1-40
SCRS/2024/061 Standardization of the fishery dependent index of abundance for Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence using spatio-temporal modelling based on VAST: 1988 to 2022 Akia S. N and Hanke A. 1-42
SCRS/2024/084 Example application of MCMC with adnuts for a North Atlantic blue shark stock synthesis model Courtney D and Rice J.  1-31
SCRS/2024/103 A preliminary roadmap for MSE development Carruthers T.R. 1-12
SCRS/2024/104 Developing the climate test: robustness trials for climate-ready management procedures Carruthers T.R. 1-26

Doc. #
  • Report of the 2024 Intersessional Meeting of the Swordfish Species Group (including MSE)
  • Rapport de la réunion intersessions du Groupe d'espèces sur l’espadon (incluant la MSE)
  • Informe de la reunión intersesiones del Grupo de especies de pez espada de 2024 (incluye la MSE)
SCRS/2024/004 Report of the 2024 Intersessional Meeting of the Swordfish Species Group (including MSE) (hybrid/Madrid, Spain, 6–9 May 2024) / Rapport de la réunion intersessions du Groupe d'espèces sur l’espadon (incluant la MSE) (hybride, Madrid, Espagne, 6-9 mai 2024) / Informe de la reunión intersesiones del Grupo de especies de pez espada de 2024 (incluye la MSE) (Formato híbrido/Madrid, España, 6-9 de mayo de 2024) Anon. 1-59
SCRS/2024/016 An overview of the southern swordfish closed-loop simulation approach Taylor N.G. 1-16
SCRS/2024/019 Estimation of undersized swordfish, Xiphias gladius (Linnaeus, 1758) Catches in the Spanish Mediterranean longline fleet Rueda L., García-Barcelona S., Moreno J, Ortiz de Urbina J., Puerto M.A., and Macías D. 1-13
SCRS/2024/063 An index of Atlantic swordfish relative abundance developed from multilateral fisheries data Sosthene A., Hanke A., and Gillespie K. 1-44
SCRS/2024/064 A new challenge for assessing the swordfish fishery: the use of an innovative fishing gear Garibaldi F., Di Natale A. and Zava B. 1-9
SCRS/2024/065 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.) Catches in the Palestinian Area (Southeastern Mediterranean Sea) Salah J., Aboutair M., Zava B., and Di Natale A. 1-13
SCRS/2024/067 Review of Code and Simulation Framework for Southern Swordfish Closed Loop Simulations Hordyk A. 1-13
SCRS/2024/074 Workshop of the Swordfish Year Program
(Hybrid/Olhão (Portugal), 27-29 February 2024)
Anon. 1-14
SCRS/2024/123 Report of the 2024 Swordfish tagging campaign in the northeastern Atlantic, within the Swordfish Year Programme (SWOYP)  Coelho R. and Barbosa C. 1-9
SCRS/2024/126 Updated standardized catch rates in number of fish by age for the North Atlantic swordfish (Xiphias gladius) inferred from data of the Spanish longline fleet during the period 1982-2023  Ramos-Cartelle A., García-Cortés  B., Mejuto J., and Fernández-Costa J. 1-17
SCRS/2024/137 Results of the North Atlantic swordfish management strategy evaluation  Hordyk A., Brown C., Coelho R., Duprey N.M.T., Gillespie K., Hanke A., Miller S., Rueda L., Rosa D., and Schirripa M. 1-19
SCRS/2024/145 The swordfish CPUE poses several questions and enigmas. A discussion paper Valastro M., Di Natale A.,  Garibaldi F., Piccinetti C., and Suzuki. Z.   1-6
SCRS/2024/177 Report of the 2024 ICCAT swordfish tagging campaign in the northwestern Atlantic  Gillespie K. and Coelho R. 1-9

Doc. #
  • Report of the SCRS Workshop
  • Rapport de l'Atelier du SCRS
  • Informe del Taller del SCRS
SCRS/2024/011 Report of the SCRS Workshop (hybrid/ Madrid, Spain, 18-20 March 2024) / Rapport de l'Atelier du SCRS (hybride/Madrid, Espagne, 18-20 mars 2024) / Informe del taller del SCRS (formato híbrido / Madrid, España, 18-20 de marzo de 2024) Anon. 1-64
  • Report of the Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Coordination of Tagging Information
  • Rapport de la réunion du Groupe de travail ad hoc sur la coordination des informations de marquage
  • Informe de la reunión del Grupo de trabajo ad hoc sobre coordinación de la información sobre marcado
SCRS/2024/012 Report of the Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Coordination of Tagging Information (online, 5 July 2024) / Rapport de la réunion du Groupe de travail ad hoc sur la coordination des informations de marquage (en ligne, 5 juillet 2024) / Informe de la reunión del Grupo de trabajo ad hoc sobre coordinación
de la información sobre marcado (en línea, 5 de julio de 2024)
Anon. 1-25
  • Report of the 2024 meeting of the Sub-Committee on Statistics
  • Rapport de la réunion du Sous-comité des statistiques de 2024
  • Informe de 2024 de la reunión del Subcomité de estadísticas
SCRS/2024/013 Report of the 2024 meeting of the Sub-Committee on Statistics (hybrid/ Madrid, Spain, 16-17 September 2024) / Rapport de la réunion du Sous-comité des statistiques de 2024 (hybride/Madrid, Espagne, 16-17 septembre 2024) / Informe de 2024 de la reunión del Subcomité de estadísticas (en línea, 16-17 de septiembre de 2024) Anon. 1-41

Doc. #
  • Sharks
  • Requins
  • Tiburones
SCRS/2024/097 News on listing criteria and non-detriment findings for CITES-listed Shark Species  Taylor N.G. 1-5
SCRS/2024/098 Mobulid rays in the ICCAT Convention area: a review of current knowledge  Ellis J.R., Carlson J., Coelho R.,  Cronin M., Domingo A., Forsellado R., Mas F., Moreno G., Reeves S., Restrepo V., and Taylor N.G. 1-43
SCRS/2024/105 Report of the 2024 shark tagging campaign carried out within the Shark Research and Data Collection Programme (SRDCP)  Coelho R., Barbosa C. 1-10
SCRS/2024/133 Migratory sharks and rays in the Atlantic: Chronology of the work of ICCAT, CMS and the Sharks MOU, Potential synergies and emerging issues Ellis J., Pauly A. 1-14
SCRS/2024/136 Conservation of whale sharks (Rhincondon typus) bycaught in ICCAT: Review of biology, interactions with purse seine fishery and best practices on handling and release  Cuevas N. , Salgado A., Murua J., Herrera M., Arrizabalaga H.,  Krug I., Murua H., Juan Jorda M.J., Santiago J., Martinez C., Pino Y., and Ruiz J. 1-14
SCRS/2024/141 Technical MSE demonstration for Atlantic blue shark  Carruthers T.R. 1-19
SCRS/2024/146 Nuevas estimas del devenir de los ejemplares de marrajo dientuso (Isurus oxyrinchus) capturados de forma accesoria por la flota palangrera española en el Océano Atlántico Báez J.C., de la Rosa J., Salmerón F., and Lourdes-Ramos M. 1-7
SCRS/2024/155 Quantifying reproductive hormones in skeletal muscle tissue of the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus).  Sulikowski J., Kappos K., Horstmyer L., Ballard K.,  Ekelund E., Schlaf M., Passerotti M., Cortés E., and Bowlby H. 1-9
SCRS/2024/160 A compact-proof-of-concept BSH MSE framework using priors, the rapid conditioning model, and tune management procedures  Taylor N.G. 1-13
SCRS/2024/181 Historic shark catches by the Mexican longline fishing fleet in the Gulf of Mexico  Ramirez-Lopez K., Lara-Mendoza R.E, Wakida-Kusunoki A.T. , Anislado Tolentino V. , Rojas-González R. I. 1-11

Doc. #
  • Small Tunas
  • Thonidés mineurs
  • Pequeños túnidos
SCRS/2024/171 Update of the ageing analysis for Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) of the small tuna biology studies  Muñoz- Lechuga R., da Silva G., Hajjej G., Macias D., Sow F.N, Diaha N'G.C., Baibbat S., Massa-Gallucci A., Angueko D., and Lino P.G. 1-12
SCRS/2024/172 Update of the ageing analysis for little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus) of the small tuna biology studies  Muñoz- Lechuga R., da Silva G., Hajjej G., Macias D., Sow F.N, Diaha N'G.C., Angueko D., Sant’Ana R., Massa-Gallucci A., and Lino P.G. 1-12
SCRS/2024/185 Preliminary results of the age and growth of little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus) in the southwestern Atlantic, based on dorsal fins da Silva G., Muñoz-Lechuga R., Pinheiro J.L, Cardoso H.,  and Sant'Ana R. 1-8

Doc. #
  • Statistics
  • Statistiques
  • Estadísticas
SCRS/2024/109 2024 ICCAT Workshop in the Caribbean (West Atlantic) region for the improvement of statistical data collection and reportingon small-scale (artisanal) fisheries  Die D., Arocha F., Mayor C., and Fernandez M. 1-18
SCRS/2024/134 A proposal to accommodate the sea turtle data request in ICCAT Recommendation 22-12  Diaz G.A., Hanke A., and Domingo A. 1-6
SCRS/2024/169 Development and implementation of a platform for estimating and monitoring discards and bycatch data in Moroccan artisanal fisheries fishing for tunas and tuna-like species  Serghini M., Bensbai J., Abid N., Amina N., Baibbat S.A., Ikkis A., Layachi M., Hamdi H., Joumani M., Benziane M., and Bani A.B. 1-19
SCRS/2024/170 Preliminary discards estimate in the swordfish longline fishery, using a web application incorporating traditional and advanced sampling plans design  Serghini M., Baibbat S.A., Bensbai J., Abid N., and Ikkis A. 1-13

Doc. #
SCRS/2024/022 Results on swordfish reproduction under the short term contract for ICCAT swordfish growth, reproduction and Genetics studies  Macias D., Puerto M.A., Gómez-Vives M.J., Rodríguez, E., and Ortiz de Urbina. J.M.
SCRS/2024/035 Standardization of yellowfin tuna CPUE in the Atlantic Ocean by the Japanese longline fishery Matsumoto T. and Satoh K.
SCRS/2024/036 Collaborative study of yellowfin tuna CPUE from multiple Atlantic Ocean Longline Fleets in 2024  Matsumoto T.
SCRS/2024/038 Estimation of Ghana Tasks 1 and 2 purse seine and baitboat catch 2019–2022: data input 2024 yellowfin stock assessment  Ortiz M., Ayivi S., Kwame Dovlo E., and Mayor C.
SCRS/2024/039 Review and preliminary analyses of size samples of Atlantic yellowfin tuna stock (Thunnus albacares) Ortiz M. and Kimoto A.
SCRS/2024/057 ABFT SNP array: a new genomic resource for Atlantic Bluefin tuna connectivity and CKMR studies  Diaz-Arce N. and Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N.
SCRS/2024/059 MSE Poll regarding the MSE process  Walter J.
SCRS/2024/071 A comparison of statistical methods for modeling the spatiotemporal patterns of silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) bycatch in the European tropical tuna purse seine fishery in the Atlantic Ocean  Lopetegui-Eguren L., Arrizabalaga H., Murua H., Lezama-Ochoa N., Lopez J., Ruiz Gondra J.S. Sabarros P., Carlos Báez J., Lourdes Ramos Alonso M., Griffiths  S., and  José Juan-Jordá M.,
SCRS/2024/073 Final report for phase five of the ICCAT short-term contract for continuation of the swordfish growth, reproduction, and genetics studies: biological samples collection and analysis  Gillespie K., Hanke A., Coelho R., Rosa D., Carnevali O., Gioacchini G., and Macias D.
SCRS/2024/075 Updated combined biomass index of abundance for the North Atlantic swordfish stock 1963-2022  Gilespie K, Akia S., Hanke A., Coelho R., Su N., and Ikkiss A.,
SCRS/2024/082 Standardization of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) CPUE rates in the Mediterranean Cypriot fisheries for the period 2014 - 2023 Thasitis I. and Theocharus A.
SCRS/2024/090 ACAP best practice advice for reducing the impact of pelagic longline fisheries on seabirds   The Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels
SCRS/2024/093 Integrated ocean observing systems for dynamic ocean management (IOS4DOM)  March D.
SCRS/2024/094 Report on seabird bycatch in small-scale fisheries in Brazil  Canani G, Neves T.,  and Marques C.
SCRS/2024/100 Report of the 2024 Meeting of the Ecosystem SubGroup  Anonymous
SCRS/2024/108 Summary report of the informal intersessional online meeting modeling team BUM stock assessment 2024 Anonymous
SCRS/2024/110 Atlantic yellowfin tuna stock synthesis population analyses Lauretta M., Ortiz M., Kimoto A., Sagarese S., Urtizberea A.O., Morón-Correa G., Merino M., and Cass-Calay S.
SCRS/2024/111 Atlantic yellowfin tuna stock synthesis population analyses: sensitivity exploration and proposal for a reference grid with diagnostics  Merino G., Lauretta M., Ortiz M., Kimoto A., Sagarese S., Urtizberea A., Morón-Correa G., and Cass-Calay S.
SCRS/2024/113 Atlantic yellowfin tuna stock assessment using a biomass dynamic model Merino G., Urtizberea A., Morón-Correa G., and Santiago J.
SCRS/2024/118 Incorporating climate change effects in the management strategy evaluation for Atlantic tropical tunas Morón-Correa G., Urtizberea A., Merino G., Erauskin-Extramiana M., and Arrizabalaga H.
SCRS/2024/129 A review on the recent literature on east Atlantic bluefin tuna (EABFT) as it relates to population abundance estimation by CKMR and the epigenetics of ageing and discussion of available genomic methods Ruzzante D.
SCRS/2024/131 Adaptive divergence in Atlantic bluefin tuna using whole genome sequencing Mickel C. and Block B.
SCRS/2024/135 Response of tuna stocks to temporal closures in the Atlantic Ocean Correa G.M., Merino G., Urtizberea A., and Santiago J.
SCRS/2024/140 Mobulid ray fishery landings, trade, and the case for supporting an Atlantic-wide retention ban Barros N., Carter B., D'Costa N., and Stevens G.
SCRS/2024/152 Bycatch estimation of blue shark, shortfin mako, and porbeagle caught by Japanese longliner in the Atlantic Ocean using bycatch estimator  Kai M.
SCRS/2024/158 Global-level population genomics reveals two sibling species of porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus)  Ueda R., Takeshima H., Tahara D., Forselledo R., Domingo A., Kuraku S., and Semba Y.
SCRS/2024/164 Preliminary results on the age and growth of the shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the South Atlantic Ocean  Marquez R., Santos C., Semba Y., Rosa D., Jagger C., Forselledo R., Mas F., Domingo A.,  Sant’Ana R.,  Coelho R., and  Gustavo Cardoso L.
SCRS/2024/166 Updated standardized catch rate of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from the Moroccan longline fishery operating south of the Moroccan Atlantic waters (2005-2023)  Ikkiss A., Abid N., and Bensbai J.
SCRS/2024/175 Statistical data collection and reporting on small scale (artisanal) Caribbean fisheries - Synthesis report for English-speaking countries  Fernandez M., Die D., Arocha F., Mayor C., Thomas A., Ferreira L., Martin L., Taylor C., King J., Pinkard D., Cardoso L., Souza A., Ferreira A., Bowen C., and Martin C.
SCRS/2024/178 Final report for Phase 6 of the ICCAT short-term contract for continuation of the swordfish growth, reproduction and genetics studies: biological samples collection and analysis  Gillespie K., Hanke A.R., Stewart N., Coelho R., Rosa D., Carnevali O., Gioacchini G., and Macias D.
SCRS/2024/179 Updates to the indices used in the northern swordfish management strategy evaluation  Duprey N., Abid N., Bensbai J., Coelho R., Gillespie K., Hanke A., Ijima H., Ikkiss A., Lauretta M., Kai M., and Su N.
SCRS/2024/183 Preliminary results of growth parameters estimation of BET and YFT from otoliths reading  Ba K., Sow F.N., and Sadio N.
SCRS/2024/184 Updated age and growth of wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri)in the Atlantic Ocean, based on dorsal fin spines and otoliths  Silva G., Pinheiro L., Cardoso H., Lechuga R., Pascual-Alayón P., Constance N.D., Angueko D., and N'Gom F.