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SCRS/2023/001 | Report First Meeting of the North Atlantic Swordfish MSE Technical Sub-group (Online, 25-26 Jan 2023)/ Rapport de la Première réunion du Sous-groupe technique sur la MSE pour l’espadon de l’Atlantique Nord (En ligne, 25-26 janvier 2023)/ Informe de la Primera reunión intersesiones del subgrupo técnico sobre la MSE para el pez espada del Atlántico norte (En línea, 25-26 de enero de 2023) |
Anon. | 1-41 |
SCRS/2023/016 | Final report for phase four of the ICCAT short-term contract: swordfish biological samples collection for growth, reproduction and genetics studies | Gillespie K., Hanke A., Coelho R., Rosa D., Carnevali O., Gioacchini G. and Macías D. | 42-55 |
SCRS/2023/008 | Report of the First Intersessional Meeting of the Swordfish Species Group (including MSE) (Hybrid / St Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, 22-26 May 2023) / Rapport de la Réunion intersessions du Groupe d'espèces sur l’espadon (incluant la MSE) (Hybrid / St Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, 22-26 Mai 2023) / Informe de la Reunión intersesiones del Grupo de especies de pez espada (incluye la MSE) (Formato híbrido, St Andrews, New Brunswick, Canadá, 22-26 de mayo 2023) | Anon. | 56-143 |
SCRS/2023/062 | Report of the workshop on swordfish, billfishes and small tuna age reading | Anon | 144-160 |
SCRS/2023/095 | Development state of the North Atlantic Swordfish MSE process in May 2023 | Gillespie K., Hordyk A., Schirripa M., Coelho R., Duprey N., Hanke A., Miller S., Rosa D., and Rueda L. | 161-167 |
SCRS/2023/104 | A Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of South Atlantic Swordfish CPUE Series | Taylor N.G. | 168-175 |
SCRS/2023/012 | Report of the Second Intersessional meeting of the North Atlantic Swordfish Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) Technical Sub-group (online, 4-5 September 2023)/Rapport de la deuxieme reunion intersessions du sous-groupe technique sur l’évaluation de la strategie de gestion (MSE) pour l’espadon de L’Atlantique Nord (en ligne, 4-5 septembre 2023)/Informe de la segunda reunión intersesiones del Subgrupo técnico sobre la evaluación de estrategias de ordenación (MSE) para el pez espada del Atlántico norte (en línea, 4-5 de septiembre de 2023) | Anon. | 176-194 |
SCRS/2023/137 | Size conversion factors for Mediterranean swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.) caught by Italian and Maltese longline fleets in the Mediterranean Sea | Pappalardo L, Mifsud J., and Pignalosa P. | 195-206 |
SCRS/2023/144 | Evaluation of performance of candidate management procedures for the North Atlantic swordfish management strategy evaluation | Hordyk A., Brown C., Carruthers T., Coelho R., Duprey N., Gillespie K., Hanke A., Miller S., Rueda L., Rosa D. and Schirripa M. | 207-226 |
SCRS/2019/042 | Progress in the standardization of direct ageing methodology of swordfish (Xiphias Gladius) using anal fin rays |
Quelle P., González F., Ruiz M., Gutierrez O., Mejuto J. and Rodriguez-Marin E. |
227-237 |
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SCRS/2023/002 | Report of the Intersessional Meeting of the Tropical Tunas Species Group (including MSE) (hybrid/Madrid, Spain 27 February - 3 March 2023)/Rapport de la réunion du Groupe d'espèces sur les thonidés tropicaux (incluant la MSE) (hybride, Madrid, Espagne, 27 février.- 3 mars)/Informe de la reunión intersesiones del Grupo de especies de túnidos tropicales (incluye la MSE) (formato híbrido, Madrid, España, 27 de febrero a 3 de marzo) | Anon | 1-108 |
SCRS/2023/017 | Trophic dynamics and life history of Atlantic skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) call for a ‘forage fish approach’ to management procedures | Bohorquez J., Galland G., and Miller S. | 109-115 |
SCRS/2023/018 | Standardization of bigeye tuna CPUE in the Atlantic Ocean by the Japanese longline fishery | Matsumoto T. | 116-132 |
SCRS/2023/019 | Standardization of yellowfin tuna CPUE in the Atlantic Ocean by the Japanese longline fishery | Matsumoto T. | 133-149 |
SCRS/2023/020 | Options for multispecies management objectives for tropical tunas | Merino G., Urtizberea A., Laborda A., Santiago J., Grande M., and Arrizabalaga H. | 150-156 |
SCRS/2023/023 | Summary and review of the fob/fads deployed ST08-FADsdep ICCAT database 2011 – 2021 | Ortiz M., Mayor C. | 157-168 |
SCRS/2023/024 | Atlantic purse seine fisheries for tropical tunas in Central America and the Caribbean: Summary of status, recent trends, and impacts | Martinez C., Galdámez M., Robinson R., Pino Y., Mambi S., Chavarria B., and Herrera M. | 169-178 |
SCRS/2023/148 | Conversion factors update for tropical tunas caught with purse seine in the Atlantic Ocean. | Fily T., and Duparc A. | 179-191 |
SCRS/2023/149 | Update, homogeneity and improvement in the fishing indicators of the purse seiner and bait boat tuna fleet of the Atlantic Ocean | Pascual-Alayón P.J., Lerebourg C., Duparc A., Floch L., Depetris M., Deniz S., Rojo V., Ramos M.L., Abascal F., Báez J.C., Casañas I amd Ramos V.. | 192-204 |
SCRS/2023/173 | Proposal for the SCRS to implement a process to adopt fisheries indicators in support of assessments of tropical tunas and decision-making processes by ICCAT | Herrera M., Báez J.C., Martínez C., Pino Y., Guevara J., Robinson R., Galdámez M. , Mambi S., Espinoza E., Carvajal J.M., Pacheco B., and Chavarria B. | 205-232 |
SCRS/2023/174 | Quantifying the impacts of fleet selectivity patterns on maximum sustainable yields for tropical bigeye and yellowfin tunas | Vaughan N., Cass-Calay S., Diaz G.A. | 233-246 |
SCRS/2023/175 | Summary and review of the FOB/FADs deployed ST08-FadsDep ICCAT database 2011 - 2022. | Ortiz M., Mayor C., and Palma C. | 247-259 |
SCRS/2023/169 | Developing candidate management procedures for the western Atlantic skipjack tuna. | Sant'Ana R., Mourato B. | 260-259 |
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SCRS/2023/003 | Report of the North Atlantic Albacore Data Preparatory Meeting (incl. MSE) (Hybrid, San Sebastian/Pasaia (Spain), 20-23 Mar 2023/Rapport de la Réunion de préparation des données sur le germon de l'Atlantique Nord (incluant la MSE) (Hybride, St Sébastien/Pasaia (Espagne), 20-23 mars 2023)/Informe de la reunión de preparación de datos sobre atún blanco del Atlántico norte (incluye la MSE) (Formato híbrido, San Sebastián/Pasaia (España), 20-23 de marzo 2023) | Anon | 1-69 |
SCRS/2023/028 | Review of Japanese longline fishery and its albacore catch in the North Atlantic Ocean | Matsumoto T. | 70-82 |
SCRS/2023/029 | Standardized CPUE for North Atlantic albacore by the Japanese longline fishery | Matsumoto T., Matsubara N., and Tsuda Y | 83-103 |
SCRS/2023/032 | Natural mortality of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) from the North Atlantic Ocean | Artetxe-Arrate I., Lastra-Luque P., Arrizabalaga H., Cabello de los Cobos M., Merino G., Ortiz de Zarate V., Santiago J., and Urtizberea A. | 104-119 |
SCRS/2023/033 | Update of input data (catch and size) for the North Atlantic Albacore Stock Synthesis in 2023 | Kimoto A., Ortiz M., Palma C., and Mayor C. | 120-133 |
SCRS/2023/035 | Regionally informed abundance indices of albacore tuna in the North Atlantic Ocean for the Chinese Taipei longline fishery | Su N-J and Huang W.H. | 134-144 |
SCRS/2023/036 | Standardized indices of albacore, Thunnus alalunga, from the United States pelagic longline fishery | Lauretta M. | 145-174 |
SCRS/2023/010 | Report of the Atlantic Albacore Stock Assessment Meeting Hybrid/ Madrid (Spain), 26-29 June 2023) / Rapport de la Réunion d’évaluation du stock de germon de l’Atlantique (Hybride/ Madrid (Espagne), 26-29 juin 2023) / Informe de la reunión de evaluación del stock de atún blanco del Atlántico (Formato híbrido, Madrid (España), 26-29 de junio 2023) | Anon. | 175-278 |
SCRS/2023/107 | Preliminary stock synthesis assessment model for Northern Atlantic Albacore | Urtizberea A., Merino G., Kimoto A., Ortiz M., Schirripa M., Calay S., Brown C., Ortiz de Zarate V., Morón Correa G., Santiago J. and Arrizabalaga H. | 279-312 |
SCRS/2023/118 | Spatial distribution of albacore tuna by size caught in the Chinese Taipei longline fishery in the North Atlantic Ocean | Su N-J., Huang W.H. | 313-323 |
SCRS/2023/142 | Some features of the Spanish surface albacore (Thunnus alalunga) fishery in 2022 | Ortiz de Zárate V., Quelle P., Jaranay M., and Chapela I. | 324-335 |
SCRS/2023/145 | Review and diagnostics for the stock synthesis model for North Atlantic albacore | Urtizberea A., Lauretta M., Merino G., Kimoto A., Ortiz M., Schirripa M., Calay S., Brown C., Ortiz de Zarate V., Morón Correa G., Santiago J., and Arrizabalaga H. | 336-356 |
SCRS/2023/166 | Results of the albacore (Thunnus alalunga) reproductive biology study for the north Atlantic stock in 2022 | Ortiz de Zárate V., Macias D., Su N.J., Dheeraj B., Puerto M.A., Gomez M.J., and, Rodriguez E. | 357-367 |
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SCRS/2023/004 | Report of the ICCAT 2023 Blue Shark Data Preparatory Meeting (hybrid/Olhão, Portugal, 17-21 April 2023)/Rapport de la réunion de 2023 de préparation des données sur le requin peau bleue de l’ICCAT (hybride/Olhão, Portugal, 17-21 avril 2023)/Informe de la reunión de 2023 de preparación de datos sobre tiburón azul de ICCAT (Formato híbrido/Olhão, Portugal, 17-21 de abril de 2023) |
Anon | 1-82 |
SCRS/2023/038 | Blue Shark: Age and growth from ICCAT conventional tag data | Ramos-Cartelle A., Carroceda A., García-Cortés B., Fernández-Costa J., and Mejuto J. | 83-96 |
SCRS/2023/039 | Data-mining of blue shark length of North and South Atlantic stocks from the Spanish surface longline 1997-2021 | García-Cortés B., Ramos-Cartelle A., Fernández-Costa J., and Mejuto J. | 97-110 |
SCRS/2023/040 | Updated standardized catch rates in biomass for the North Atlantic stock of blue shark (Prionace glauca) from the Spanish surface longline fleet for the period 1997-2021 | Mejuto J., Ramos-Cartelle B., García-Cortés B. and Fernández-Costa J. | 111-124 |
SCRS/2023/041 | Updated standardized catch rates for the South Atlantic stock of blue shark (Prionace glauca) from the Spanish surface longline fleet for the period 1997-2021 | Fernández-Costa J., Ramos-Cartelle A., García-Cortés B., and Mejuto J. | 125-135 |
SCRS/2023/044 | Methods for estimating discards of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) by the Portuguese longline fleet in the North Atlantic | Coelho R., Rosa D., and Lino P.G. | 136-146 |
SCRS/2023/045 | Updated standardized CPUEs of blue shark in the Portuguese pelagic longline fleet operating in the North Atlantic (1997-2021) | Coelho R., Rosa D., and Lino P.G. | 147-177 |
SCRS/2023/046 | Standardized catch rates of blue sharks in the western North Atlantic Ocean from the U.S. pelagic longline observer program 1992-2014 and 2015-2021 | Zhang X., Cortes E., and Dias G. | 178-195 |
SCRS/2023/047 | Review and preliminary analyses of conventional tagging data on Atlantic blue shark stocks (Prionace glauca) | Ortiz M., Garcia J., and Taylor N. | 196-221 |
SCRS/2023/049 | Spatio-temporal model for CPUE standardization: application to blue shark caught by Japanese tuna longline fishery in the South Atlantic from 1994 to 2021 | Kai M. | 222-237 |
SCRS/2023/050 | Spatio-temporal model for CPUE standardization: application to blue shark caught by Japanese tuna longline fishery in the north Atlantic from 1994 to 2021 | Kai M. | 238-253 |
SCRS/2023/052 | Summary of data from the southwest of England blue shark fishery from 1953-2021 | Thomas S., Alsop A., Chapman R.S., Collings M. , Davis P., Faisey K.F., Forester M., Hodder L., Howell A., Malia O., Margetts D., McKie K.A., McMaster J.D., Murphy S., Narbett S., Newell S., Rogers J., Somerfield P.J., West D., Whittaker P., Wright S., Wyatt K., Uren D., Rudd H.S., Vas P., and Jones G | 254-268 |
SCRS/2023/053 | Age, growth and maturity of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the northwest Atlantic Ocean | Carlson J., Passerotti M., and McCandless C. | 269-283 |
SCRS/2023/054 | Stock identification of Atlantic blue shark (Prionace glauca) | Carlson J., McCandless C, and Passerotti M. | 284-288 |
SCRS/2023/056 | Brief update on size distribution of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters of the North Atlantic Ocean caught by Venezuelan fisheries | Arocha F., Evaristo E., Marcano J.H., Narvaez M. | 289-295 |
SCRS/2023/057 | Catch-Per-Unit-Effort standardization for the southern Atlantic blue shark (Prionace glauca) based on Brazilian and Uruguayan longline fishery Data (1990-2022) | Cardoso L.G., Sant’Ana R., Forselledo R., Cardoso G., Mourato B., Domingo A., Kikuchi E., and Travassos P. | 296-305 |
SCRS/2023/059 | Updated Standardized CPUE size and spatial distribution of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) caught by the Chinese Taipei longline fishery in the Atlantic Ocean | Liu K., Su K.U. | 306-336 |
SCRS/2023/060 | Comparison and Analysis of South Atlantic CPUE 2023 ICCAT Blue Shark Assessment | Rice J. | 337-344 |
SCRS/2023/061 | Comparison and Analysis of North Atlantic CPUE 2023 ICCAT Blue Shark Assessment | Rice J. | 345-352 |
SCRS/2023/051 | Structural uncertainty in RFMO pelagic shark stock assessments: examples and recommendations resulting from two recent applications | Rice J., and Courtney D. | 353-378 |
SCRS/2023/011 | Report of the Blue Shark Stock Assessment Meeting (hybrid/Madrid, Spain, 17-21 July 2023)/Rapport de la réunion d’évaluation du stock de requin peau bleue (hybride/Madrid, Espagne, 17-21 juillet 2023)/Informe de la reunión de evaluación del stock de tintorera (Formato híbrido/Madrid, España, 17-21 de julio de 2023) |
Anon. | 379-527 |
SCRS/2023/115 | Estimates of vital rates and population dynamics parameters of interest for blue sharks in the North and South Atlantic Ocean | Cortés E. and Taylor N.G. | 528-545 |
SCRS/2023/116 | A multivariate model for estimating life history parameters for North and South Atlantic blue shark stocks | Taylor N.G. and Cortés E. | 546-561 |
SCRS/2023/120 | South Atlantic blue shark stock assessment 1971-2021 using stock synthesis | Gustavo-Cardoso L., Kikuchi E., Rice J., Courtney D., Sant’Ana R., Leite Mourato B., and Fernandez C. | 562-588 |
SCRS/2023/121 | Update of input data (catch and size) for the Atlantic blue shark (Prionace glauca) stock assessment models 2023 | Ortiz M., Kimoto A., Palma C., and Mayor C. | 589-606 |
SCRS/2023/122 | Model validation for the selection and weighting of stock assessment scenarios | Kell L.T. and Winker H. | 607-622 |
SCRS/2023/123 | Exploratory analysis of blue shark catches, Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Spanish Mediterranean waters | Rueda L., Baez J.C., Garcia-Barcelona S., Moreno J., and Macias D. | 623-636 |
SCRS/2023/124 | JABBA runs for the North Atlantic blue shark | Fernandez C. | 637-655 |
SCRS/2023/126 | Bayesian surplus production models for blue sharks using the legacy BSP software. | Babcock E.A. | 656-664 |
SCRS/2023/127 | South Atlantic blue shark stock: Just Another Bayesian Biomass Assessment | Sant'Ana R., Mourato B., Cardoso L.G., Kimoto A., and Ortiz M. | 665-713 |
SCRS/2023/128 | Preliminary stock synthesis (SS3) model runs conducted for North Atlantic blue shark (1971-2021) | Courtney D., Fernandez C., Rice J., Gustavo Cardoso L., and Kikuchi E. | 714-821 |
SCRS/2023/130 | Estimas del devenir de los ejemplares de marrajo dientuso (Isurus oxyrinchus) capturados de forma accesoria por la flota palangrera Española en el Océano Atlántico | Báez J.C., Salmerón F., Ceballos Roa E., Lourdes Ramos M., and Abaunza P. | 822-828 |
SCRS/2023/134 | Estimate of live release and dead discards of the shortfin mako shark caught by the Chinese Taipei longline fishery in the South Atlantic Ocean | Liu K-M and Su Kuan-Yu | 829-836 |
SCRS/2023/143 | Approximation of Kobe posteriors from stock synthesis for North Atlantic blue shark | Kell L., Rice J., Courthey D.,and Winker H. | 837-858 |
SCRS/2023/179 | Workshop on the Shark Research and Data Collection Program (SRDCP) | Anonymous | 859-889 |
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SCRS/2023/006 | Report of the 2023 Intersessional Meeting of the Small Tunas Species Group (online 15-18 May 2023)/Rapport de la réunion intersessions de 2023 du Groupe d’espèces sur les thonidés mineurs (en ligne 15 au 18 mai 2023)/Informe de la Reunión intersesiones de 2023 del Grupo de especies de pequeños túnidos (en línea 15-18 de mayo de 2023) | Anon. | 1-70 |
SCRS/2023/026 | Fisheries of the narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson, Lacépède, 1800) in the Palestinian area (South-eastern Mediterranean Sea) | Salah J., Tair M.A., Zava B., Di Natale A. | 71-81 |
SCRS/2023/027 | Fisheries of the bullet tuna (Auxis rochei, Risso, 1810) in the Palestinian area (South-eastern Mediterranean Sea) | Salah J., Tair M.A., Zava B., Di Natale A. | 82-92 |
SCRS/2023/084 | Quelques paramètres biologiques des trois espèces des thonidés mineurs ; la thonine commune : Euthynnus alletteratus (Rafinesque, 1810) ; la bonite à dos rayé : Sarda sarda(Bloch, 1793) et le bounitou : Auxis rochei(Risso, 1810) pêchés dans la zone centre d’Algérie | Benounnas K., Latreche M. | 93-101 |
SCRS/2023/087 | Reproductive biology of wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier, 1832), of Eastern Atlantic | Puerto M.A., Ortiz de Urbina J., Gómez-Vives M.J., Pascual-Ayalón J.P., Constance Diaha N’.G., Angueko D and Macías D. | 102-111 |
SCRS/2023/150 | Update the length-weight relationships and relative condition factors of the wahoo Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier, 1832), little tunny Euthynnus alletteratus (Rafinesque 1810), frigate tuna Auxis thazard (Lacepède, 1800), bullet tuna Auxis rochei (Risso, 1810) and Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda (Bloch 1793) fish of the Atlantic Ocean. | Pascual-Alayón P.J., Casañas I., Déniz S., Abascal F. J., Chantó D., and Ramos V. | 112-134 |
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SCRS/2023/007 | Report of the 2023 Meeting of the Working Group on Stock Assessment Methods (Madrid/hybrid 15-18 May 2023)/Rapport de la réunion de 2023 du Groupe de travail sur les méthodes d'évaluation des stocks (Madrid/hybride du 15 au 18 mai 2021)/Informe de la reunión de 2023 del Grupo de trabajo sobre métodos de evaluación de stocks (15 al 18 de mayo de 2023) | Anon. | 1-50 |
SCRS/2023/025 | Simulation-testing model-based and design-based bycatch estimators | Babcock E.A., Babcock E.A., Harford W.J., Gedamke T., Anderson S., Goodyear C.P. | 51-79 |
SCRS/2023/090 | Review of stochastic surplus production model in continuous time (SPiCT) methodology for the ICCAT software catalogue | Kimoto A., Ortiz M., and Taylor N.G. | 80-84 |
SCRS/2023/091 | HBS is an unreliable index of fishing depth for US longlines | Goodyear C.P., Forrestal F., and Schirripa | 85-96 |
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SCRS/2023/005 | Report of the Meeting of the Subcommittee on Ecosystems and Bycatch (Madrid/hybrid 8-12 May 2023)/Rapport de la réunion du Sous-comité des écosystèmes et des prises accessoires (Madrid/hybride du 8 au 12 mai 2021)/Informe de la reunión del Subcomité de ecosistemas y capturas fortuitas (8 al 12 de mayo de 2023) | Anon. | 1-71 |
SCRS/2023/037 | Spatial distribution of multispecies longline catch per unit effort | Hyun Q.C., Carruthers T. | 72-97 |
SCRS/2023/071 | Productivity-susceptibility analysis tool | Leach A., Kell L.T., and Mumford J. | 98-116 |
SCRS/2023/075 | Extending the driver-pressure-state-impact-response causal chain framework to include human activities, welfare and management | Oenoto M., Leach A. W., Kell L.T. and Mumford J. | 117-130 |
SCRS/2023/076 | Terms of reference for the Sargasso Sea case study | Kell L.T., Luckhurst B. E., Leach A. and Roe H. | 131-138 |
SCRS/2023/077 | An update on best practices onboard French tropical tuna purse seiners of the Atlantic Ocean | Wain G. and Maufroy A | 139-154 |
SCRS/2023/083 | Terms of reference for the Mediterranean tuna habitat observatory initiative | Alvarez-Berastegui D., Tugores M.P., Juza M., Hernandez-Carrasco I. , Sanz-Martín M., Reglero P., Macías D., Balbín R., Lázaro G. , Antoine L., Mavruk S., Cuttitta A., Russo S., Patti B., Torri M., Reyes E., Moure B., Orfila A., Gordoa A., Abascal C., Laiz R., Amengual J., Hidalgo M., Cabanellas-Reboredo M., Báez J.C., Juan Jorda M.J., Kell L., Hanke A., Die D., Tintoré J. and Cardin V. | 155-161 |
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SCRS/2023/009 | Report of the Sailfish Data Preparatory and Stock Assessment Meeting (Online 5-10 June 2023)/Rapport de la réunion de préparation des données et d'évaluation du voilier (En ligne du 85 au 10 juin 2023)/Informe de la reunión de preparación de datos y de evaluación de pez vela (En línea del 5 al 10 de junio de 2023) | Anon. | 1-166 |
SCRS/2023/063 | Atlantic sailfish standardized CPUE index and size distribution from the artisanal drift-gillnet fishery operating at the billfish hotspot, off La Guaira, Venezuela (1991-2022). | Narváez M., Marcano L.A., and Arocha F. | 167-177 |
SCRS/2023/064 | Standardized catch rates and size distribution for Atlantic sailfish from the Venezuelan pelagic longline fishery in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters of the western central Atlantic (1987-2018). | Arocha F., Ortiz M., Narváez M., Marcano J. H., and Evaristo E. | 178-191 |
SCRS/2023/081 | Update of input data (Catch and size) for the Atlantic Sailfish (Istiophorus albicans) stock assessment models 2023. | Ortiz M., Kimoto A., Palma C., and Mayor C. | 192-203 |
SCRS/2023/082 | Update standardization of Atlantic sailfish (Istiophorus albicans) catch rates in the East Atlantic from the Portuguese pelagic longline fishery (1991-2021). | Coelho R., Rosa D., and Lino P.G. | 204-225 |
SCRS/2023/092 | Catch rates of sailfish from the Brazilian longline fisheries in the western Atlantic (1991-2022) | Mourato B., Sant’Ana R., Kikuchi E., and Gustavo Cardoso L. | 226-235 |
SCRS/2023/093 | Estimated Atlantic sailfish catch rate for the Brazilian billfish sport fishing tournaments (2001-2020) | Mourato B., Sant’Ana R., Pimenta E., and Amorim A.F. | 236-243 |
SCRS/2023/103 | U.S. Pelagic longline standardized indices of sailfish (Istiophorus albicans) relative abundance. | Lauretta M. | 244-258 |
SCRS/2023/105 | CPUE standardization for sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) caught in the Chinese Taipei tuna longline fishery in the Atlantic ocean for 2009-2021. | Su N-J., Huang W.H. | 259-269 |
SCRS/2023/106 | Standardization of Atlantic sailfish (Istiophorus albicans) CPUE in the Eastern Atlantic from the Senegalese artisanal fishery. | Ba K., Sow F.N. | 270-283 |
SCRS/2023/109 | Spatio-temporal model for CPUE standardization: application to eastern Atlantic sailfish caught by Japanese tuna longline fishery from 1994 to 2021 | Kai M. | 284-299 |
SCRS/2023/110 | Spatio-temporal model for CPUE standardization: application to western Atlantic sailfish caught by Japanese tuna longline fishery from 1994 to 2021. | Kai M. | 300-314 |
SCRS/2023/111 | Assessment of the eastern Atlantic sailfish stock using JABBA model | Mourato B., Sant’Ana R., Kikuchi E., Gustavo Cardoso L., Ngom F., Arocha F.; Kimoto A., and Ortiz M. | 315-336 |
SCRS/2023/112 | Western Atlantic sailfish stock status with JABBA model | Mourato B., Sant’Ana R., Kikuchi E., Gustavo Cardoso L., Ngom F., Arocha F., Kimoto A., and Ortiz M. | 337-358 |
SCRS/2023/079 | Update the standardized catch rates of sailfish (Istiophorus albicans) caught as bycatch of the Spanish surface longline fishery targeting swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Atlantic Ocean | Ramos-Cartelle A., García-Cortés B., Mejuto J. and Fernández-Costa J. | 359-370 |
SCRS/2023/113 | Updated U.S. conventional tagging database for Atlantic sailfish (1955-2022), with comments on potential stock structure. | Orbesen E. and Snodgrass D.J.G. |
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SCRS/2023/042 | Report of the 2023 ICCAT GBYP Workshop on Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Larval Indices (hybrid/Palermo, 7-9 February 2023) | Anonymous | 1-24 |
SCRS/2023/043 | Report of the 2023 ICCAT GBYP Workshop on Bluefin Tuna Close-Kin Mark-Recapture, including Biological Sampling Coordination (hybrid/Madrid, 14-16 March 2023) | Anonymous | 25-53 |
SCRS/2023/125 | Updates to multi-fleet ASAP runs for eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna | Carrano C., Kerr L., and Cadrin S.X | 54-88 |
SCRS/2023/133 | Report of the 2023 ICCAT GBYP Workshop on Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Electronic Tagging (hybrid/Madrid, 4-6 July 2023) | Anonymous | 89-115 |
SCRS/2023/135 | Relative bluefin tuna abundance estimates for 2022 from the Canadian fishery | Hanke A.R. | 116-121 |
SCRS/2023/139 | Furuno stereoscopic camera UC-600 | Kawai M., Ikegami A., and Kumakura S. | 122-131 |
SCRS/2023/140 | The standardized CPUE for Japanese longline fishery in the Atlantic up to 2023 fishing year | Tsukahara Y., Fukuda H., and Nakatsuka S. | 132-150 |
SCRS/2023/147 | Update of the standardized joint CPUE index for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) caught by Moroccan and Portuguese traps for the period 2008-2022, using a bayesian generalized liner model | Lino P.G., Abid N., Malouli M.I., Bensbai J., and Coelho R. | 151-166 |
SCRS/2023/154 | Summary of the 2022 catch and release tagging (CHART) programme in southwest England | Ford J., Righton D., Ribeiro Santos A., Murphy S., McMaster J., Thomas S., Duffy M., Davis S., Arris M., and Phillips S. | 167-171 |
SCRS/2023/155 | Geographical and temporal variations in the morphometric relationships and sex ratios of farmed Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) held in Maltese cages | Haddi I., Galea J., Serrano J.G., Reinold S., and Deguara S. | 172-180 |
SCRS/2023/159 | ICCAT Atlantic-Wide Research Programme for Bluefin Tuna (GBYP) activity report for Phase 12 and the first part of Phase 13 (2022-2023) | Alemany F., Tensek S., and Pagá García A. | 181-211 |
SCRS/2023/160 | New genetic tools for Atlantic bluefin tuna monitoring | Diaz-Arce N., Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N., Artetxe-Arrate I., Zudaire I., Arrizabalaga H., and Fraile I. | 212-218 |
SCRS/2023/161 | Stock identification and connectivity of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) with otolith chemistry | Artetxe-Arrate I., Brophy D., Lastra-Luque P., Lino P.G., Santos M.N., Nottestad L., Rooker J., Rodriguez-Marín E., Tsukahara Y., Varela J.L., Allman R.J., Barnett B.K., Arrizabalaga H., Alemany F., and Fraile I. | 219-230 |
SCRS/2023/164 | Interpolation of the growth table for farming bluefin tuna | Ortiz M. and Tsukahara Y. | 231-237 |
SCRS/2023/165 | Updated index of the Balfegó purse seine fleet (2003-2023) | Gordoa A. | 238-244 |
SCRS/2023/170 | Updates to indices used by the adopted management procedure for Atlantic bluefin tuna | Carruthers T.R. and Kimoto A. | 245-250 |
SCRS/2023/172 | Investigation of secondary indicators of exceptional circumstances for Atlantic bluefin tuna including stock of origin and electronic tagging data | Carruthers T.R. | 251-259 |
SCRS/2023/177 | Effect of missing surveys on the performance of the adopted NABT BFT MP | Butterworth D. and Rademeyer R.A. | 260-262 |
Doc. # |
Titre Titulo |
Auteurs Autores |
Pages Páginas |
SCRS/2023/136 | A proposal to standardize the Task 1 Nominal Catch tables in the Executive Summaries of the SCRS Annual Report | Diaz G.A., Duprey N.M.T, and Palma C. | 1-4 |
SCRS/2023/151 | Report of the sub-group on electronic monitoring systems: proposal of ICCAT minimum technical standards for EMS in purse seine fisheries targeting tropical tunas | Anonymous | 5-20 |
SCRS/2023/167 | Desing and exploitation of the AOTTP tagging database | Garcia J., Palma C., and Mayor C. | 21-32 |
SCRS/2023/178 | 2023 ICCAT Regional Workshop in West Africa for the improvement of statistical data collection and reporting on small-scale (artisanal) fisheries | Die D.J. | 33-45 |
Doc. # |
Titre Titulo |
Auteurs Autores |
SCRS/2023/021 | A coordinated collection of biological samples to improve important biological parameters of tropical tunas in the AtlanticOcean | Zudaire I., Lastra P, Grande M., IArtetxe I., Ruiz J., Diaha C., Duparc A., Cauquil P., Amande J., and Pascual P. |
SCRS/2023/022 | Energy efficiency of the purse seine fishery, FAD vs free swimming school strategy | Grande M, Santiago J., and Cabezas O. |
SCRS/2023/030 | Revisiting hypotheses of population structure within the Mediterranean in the light of newly available electronic tagging studies | Rouyer T., Cabello M., Tensek S., Pagá-García A., Alemany F., Lauretta M., and Arrizabalaga H. |
SCRS/2023/051 | Structural Uncertainty in RFMO Pelagic Shark Stock Assessments: Examples and Recommendations Resulting from Two Recent applications | Rice J., Courtney, D. |
SCRS/2023/055 | A preliminary study on standardized indices of blue shark from the Chinese longline fishery in the Atlantic Ocean during 2012 - 2021 | Feng J., Zhang F., Li Y., Zhu Jiangfeng, and Wu F. |
SCRS/2023/058 | Standardized Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) of Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) Caught by the Moroccan Longline Fishery in the Atlantic | Serghini M., Ahmed B., Abid N., Najd A., and Bensbai J. |
SCRS/2023/065 | Report of the 2nd meeting of the sub-group on the ecosystem report card | Juan-Jordá M.J., Domingo A., Di Natale A., Inrh B., Luckhurst B., Brown C., Die D., Alvarez-Berastegui D., Diaz G., Murua H., Bell J., Stobberup K., Kell L., Schirripa M., Daisuke O., Obregon P., Lehodey P., Sabarros P., Scott R., Wanless R., Tsuji S., Jimenez S., Corrales X., and Hanke A. |
SCRS/2023/066 | Terms of reference for the tropical Atlantic ecoregion case study | Juan-Jordá M.J., Andonegi E., Murua H., Corrales X., Lopetegui L., Arrizabalaga H., Ruiz-Gondra J., Sabarros P., Ramos-Alonso M.L., Baez J., Alvarez D., Kell L., Die D., and Hanke A. |
SCRS/2023/067 | Terms of reference for the development of a pilot product to test the utility of ICCAT ecoregions for delivering advise-products to decision-makers | Juan-Jorda M, Ortuño G., Andonegi E., and Murua H. |
SCRS/2023/068 | Terms of reference for the development of decision support tool for providing integrated bycatch management advice to decision-makers | Juan-Jorda M.J., Ortuño G., Andonegi E., Grande M., and Murua H. |
SCRS/2023/069 | Vulnerability status and efficacy of potential conservation measures for the east pacific leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) stock using the easi-fish approach | East Pacific Leatherback Ad Hoc Joint Working Group of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles |
SCRS/2023/070 | A Review of Reference Points, Objectives, and Performance Standards at tRMFOs | Taylor N.G., Miller S. |
SCRS/2023/072 | Seasonal and inter-annual variation in the distribution of leatherback turtle bycatch occurrence using a spatio-temporal model with Japanese longline observer data | Nishimoto M., Ueno S., and Ochi D: |
SCRS/2023/074 | Development of a database supporting a quasi-quantitative risk assessment approach | Tsuji S. , Nishimoto M. |
SCRS/2023/078 | Proposal to review ICCAT seabird mitigation measures | Jiménez S., Gianuca D., Debski D., Wade H. and Butfield B. |
SCRS/2023/080 | An index of vessel fishing power for the billfish tournament fleet (1982-2021) | Schueller A.M., Snodgrass D.J.G., Orbesen E.S., and Schirripa M. |
SCRS/2023/085 | Delivery note on the dataset created under the short-term contract for work supporting a quasi-quantitative risk assessment approach | Tsuji S. |
SCRS/2023/086 | Progress In Developing a quasi-quantitative risk assessment model to support ICCAT EAFM | Tsuji S. Nishimoto M. |
SCRS/2023/088 | Stock Assessment Model Diagnostics for the 2016 Sailfish assessment and their possible use in model weighting | Schirripa M.J. |
SCRS/2023/089 | Effects of fleet structure on reference points | Zhang F. |
SCRS/2023/096 | A comparison of Stock Synthesis base case model runs using updated observer length composition data | Gillespie K., Schirripa M., and Coelho R. |
SCRS/2023/097 | Ageing and growth workshop report | Rosa D. |
SCRS/2023/098 | Estimated sailfish catch-per-unit-effort for the U.S. recreational billfish tournaments (1972-2021) | Forrestal F., Lauretta M. and, Schirripa M.J. |
SCRS/2023/100 | Application of management procedure (Rec. 21-04) for North Atlantic albacore | Merino G., Urtizberea, A., Arrizabalaga, H., Moron G., and Santiago, J. |
SCRS/2023/101 | Robustness tests for North Atlantic albacore MSE, including new options for underreporting and natural mortality | Merino G., Urtizberea A., Arrizabalaga H., Artetxe-Arrate I., Luque P.L., Moron G., and Santiago J. |
SCRS/2023/108 | Liberia small scale tuna fisheries SSTF An overview of sailfish fisheries across the coastline of Liberia. | Wilson R. |
SCRS/2023/114 | Refinement of the maximum age estimate of Atlantic sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) with the clarification of long-term mark-recapture reports. | Snodgrass D., Walter J.F., and Orbesen E.S. |
SCRS/2023/117 | Thunnus alalunga (Bonaterre 1788) reproductive biology study in South Atlantic | Travassos P., Araujo M.L.G, Rego M., Evencio J., Cardoso L.G., Parker D., Domingo A., Su N.J., and Santana F. |
SCRS/2023/131 | The Statistical methodology used for estimate dead discards and live releases of South Atlantic shortfin mako. | Anon |
SCRS/2023/132 | Methodology for Implementing an Alternative Approach for monitoring Artisanal Fisheries catching Tunas and associated Species. | Serghini M., Bensbai J., Abid N., Amina N., Baibbat S.A., Ikkis A., Layachi M., Hamdi H., and Joumani M. |
SCRS/2023/138 | Research and Design Recomendations for the Shark Research and Data Collection Program | Anonymous |
SCRS/2023/141 | Development of Operating Models for the tropical tuna multispecies MSE. | Moron, Urtizberea A., Laborda A., Santiago J. and Merino G. |
SCRS/2023/146 | Bluefin tuna biological sampling | Zambetti A., Pignalosa P., and Lombardo F. |
SCRS/2023/152 | Etude comparee de l’age determine a partir de l’otolithe, l’epine et la vertebre chez thunnus albacares et katsuwonus pelamis de l’Atlantique est | Agnissan A. R., Diaha N. C., Coulibaly D., Doffou Y.C., Ailloud L., and Konan N. |
SCRS/2023/156 | Population genomics reveal two species of porbeagle (Lamna nasus) in the Atlantic Ocean | Takeshima H., Tahara D., and Semba Y. |
SCRS/2023/158 | Assessing larval abundances of Atlantic bluefin tuna in the western Mediterranean sea: updating the Balearic larval index (2001:2022) | Alvarez-Berastegui D., Tugores M.P., Martín M., Torres, A.P., Santandreu M., Calcina N., Balbín R., and Reglero P. |
SCRS/2023/162 | Saints tagging tuna in the south Atlantic insights from conventional and electronic tag data. | Naulaerts J., Wright S.R., Castleton M., Madigan D., Schallert R., Riley A., Righton D., Henry L., Clingham E., Kirsty J., Block B., and Collins M.A. |
SCRS/2023/171 | Exceptional circumstances provisions for the Atlantic bluefin tuna management procedure | Carruthers T, Walter, J., Hordyk, A.R., Hanke, A, Gillespie, K, Duprey, N., Marin, E., and Butterworth, D.S. |
SCRS/2023/176 | Thunnus alalunga (Bonaterre 1788) reproductive biology study in south Atlantic | Travassos P., Araujo M.L., Rego M., Evencio J., Cardoso L.G., Kerwath S., Domingos A., Su N.J., Jagger C., and Santana F. |