Doc. # |
Titre Titulo |
Auteurs Autores |
Pages Páginas |
SCRS/2006/011 | Report of the 2006 ICCAT Inter-sessional Meeting of the Tropical Species Working Group (Séte, France, April 24 to 28, 2006)/Rapport de la Réunion intersession de l’ICCAT de 2006 du Groupe d’espèces sur les thonidés tropicaux (Sète, France, 24-28 avril 2006)/ Informe de la reunión intersesiones de 2006 del Grupo de Trabajo de especies tropicales de ICCAT (Sète, France, 24 a 28 de abril de 2006). |
1-90 |
SCRS/2006/017 | Report of the 2006 Meeting of the Tropical Tunas Species Group (Madrid, Spain-September 28-29, 2006.)/Rapport de la Réunion du Groupe d’espèces sur les thonidés tropicaux de l’ICCAT (Madrid, Espagne, 28-29 septembre 2006)/Informe del Grupo sobre especies tropicales (Madrid, España, 28-29 de septiembre de 2006). |
91-101 |
SCRS/2006/050 | Preliminary analysis of standardized catch per unit effort of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) caught by Taiwanese longline fleets in the Atlantic Ocean by general additive model. |
HSU, C.C. |
102-116 |
SCRS/2006/054 | Estudio de las pautas de comportamiento del patudo (Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839)) con marcas archivo. |
DELGADO DE MOLINA, A. J.C. Santana, J. Ariz, R. Delgado de Molina y F. Abascal |
117-142 |
SCRS/2006/164 | Standardized Japanese longline CPUE for bigeye tuna in the Atlantic Ocean from 1961 up to 2005. |
143-154 |
SCRS/2006/024 | Observer programme of activities for tuna sampling in Ghana 2006. Preliminary report for August 2006. |
155-164 |
SCRS/2006/044 | Note on the period used to run the SCRS sequential population analysis on tropical tunas. |
165-171 |
SCRS/2006/045 | Note on the historical standardized fishing efforts in the FIS and French purse seiners Task 2 statistics that have been routinely submitted to ICCAT secretariat during the 1969-2005 period. |
FONTENEAU, A., R. Pianet |
172-179 |
SCRS/2006/047 | Le débarquement des "faux thons" ou "faux poissons" au port de pêche d’Abidjan: Phénomène en résurgence dans les données ICCAT en Côte d’Ivoire. |
N'Da K., D. G. Rene and A. Hervé |
180-184 |
SCRS/2006/048 | Some clues for correcting the tagging database of tropical tunas. |
GAERTNER, D., P. Kebe and C. Palma |
185-189 |
SCRS/2006/049 | Tuna management and closed areas. |
190-223 |
SCRS/2006/051 | Adoption of the AVDTH programme for improving Ghanaian statistics and a new sampling scheme. The way forward. |
BANNERMAN, P. and R. Sarralde |
224-226 |
SCRS/2006/052 | Datos estadísticos de la pesquería de túnidos de las Islas Canarias durante el periodo 1975 a 2005. |
ARIZ, J. R. Delgado de Molina, J.C. Santana y A. Delgado de Molina |
227-238 |
SCRS/2006/053 | Estadísticas españolas de la pesquería atunera tropical, en el océano Atlántico, hasta 2005. |
DELGADO DE MOLINA, A. J.C. Santana, R. Delgado de Molina, R. Sarralde y J. Ariz |
239-261 |
SCRS/2006/154 | Statistiques de la pêcherie thonière française durant la période 1991-2005. |
PIANET, R., V. Nordström, P. Dewals, R. Gnegoury Dédo and Y. Diatta |
262-285 |
SCRS/2006/155 | Statistiques de la pêcherie thonière européenne et assimilée durant la période 1991-2005. |
PIANET,R., V. Nordström, P. Dewals, A. Delgado, J. Ariz, R. Saralde, R. Gnegoury Dédo and Y. Diatta |
286-308 |
SCRS/2006/156 | Note about observations of sailfishes during an observer cruise on a French purse-seiner in the Gulf of Guinea. |
309-313 |
SCRS/2006/144 | Elemental fingerprints in otoliths of juvenile yellowfin tuna from spawning grounds in the Atlantic Ocean. |
SHUFORD, R. L., J. M. Dean, B. Stéquert, M. LaBonne |
314-329 |
SCRS/2006/145 | Age and growth of yellowfin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean. |
SHUFORD, R. L., J. M. Dean, B. Stéquert, E. Morize |
330-341 |
SCRS/2006/165 | Standardized Japanese longline CPUE for yellowfin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean from 1965 up to 2005. |
342-350 |
Doc. # |
Titre Titulo |
Auteurs Autores |
Pages Páginas |
Report of the 2006 ICCAT Data Preparatory Meeting for Atlantic Albacore (Madrid, Spain, July 3-7, 2006) / Rapport de la Réunion de l’ICCAT de préparation des données pour le germon de l’Atlantique de 2006 (Madrid, Espagne, 3-6 juillet 2006) / Informe de la Reunión de 2006 de preparación de datos sobre atún blanco del Atlántico (Madrid, España, 3 a 6 de julio de 2006). |
351-403 |
Standardized fishing effort of albacore, Thunnus alalunga, caught by the Spanish troll fleet in the Northeast Atlantic, 1981 to 2005. |
ORTIZ DE ZÁRATE, V. and J.M. Ortiz de Urbina |
404-414 |
Revision of Task I & Task II data of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) Spanish surface fisheries operating in the North Atlantic. |
ORTIZ DE ZÁRATE, V. C. Rodríguez-Cabello, A. Delgado de Molina and S. Barreiro |
415-420 |
The Spanish albacore (Thunnus alalunga) surface fishery in the northeastern Atlantic in 2005. |
ORTIZ DE ZÁRATE, V., S. Barreiro, C. Rodríguez-Cabello and J. Valeiras |
421-427 |
Application of age-length-keys to estimate catch-at-age for North Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) stock. |
ORTIZ DE ZÁRATE, V., X. Valeiras, C. Rodríguez-Cabello and M. Ruiz |
428-436 |
Morphology of rings on otolith and spine characters from North Atlantic albacore of 40-44 cm fork length. |
LU, Ch-P., V. Ortiz de Zárate and S-Y. Yeh |
437-442 |
Age and growth of South Atlantic albacore – a revision after the revelation of otolith daily ring counts. |
LEE, L-K., and S-Y. Yeh |
443-456 |
Brief review of size data for Atlantic albacore caught by Japanese longline fishery. |
457-470 |
Estimation of the relative abundance of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) using multi-fleet dataset and delta-lognormal models. |
471-480 |
New standardized South Atlantic albacore CPUE for the South African baitboat fishery, 1999-2005. |
SMITH, C.D. and J. Glazer |
481-491 |
Sampling protocol for skeletal structures of North Atlantic albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) and ageing interpretation. |
ORTIZ DE ZARATE, V., J. Valeiras, M. Ruiz |
492-506 |
Standardized catch rates of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) from the U.S. pelagic longline fleet 1986-2005. |
DIAZ, G.A. and M. Ortiz |
507-517 |
Distribution, catch and length composition of the albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) caught by the tuna longline fishery in the South Atlantic Ocean. |
FRÉDOU, F.L., T. Frédou, P. Travassos, J. Lins, C. Arfelli, H. A. Andrade and F. Hazin |
518-526 |
Eventos climáticos a pequeña escala y la pesca del atún blanco (Thunnus alalunga) en las Islas Canarias. |
GANZEDO, U., I. Arregi , I. Sancristobal and J.J. Castro |
527-539 |
Report of the 2006 Meeting of the Shark Species Group (Madrid, Spain, September 27-28, 2006) / Rapport de la Réunion de 2006 du Groupe d’espèces sur les requins (Madrid, Espagne, 27-28 septembre 2006) / Informe de la Reunión de 2006 del Grupo de especies de tiburones (Madrid, España, 27-28 de septiembre de 2006). |
540-560 |
Abundancia del tiburón loco (Carcharhinus longimanus) en el Atlántico sur. |
DOMINGO, A., P. Miller, R. Forselledo, M. Pons and L. Berrondo |
561-565 |
Distribución espaciotemporal y composición de tallas de Alopias superciliosus y A. vulpinus observados en la flota palangrera uruguaya en el océano Atlántico (2001-2005). |
BERRONDO, L., M. Pons, R. Forselledo, P. Miller and A. Domingo |
566-576 |
Standardized CPUE of blue shark (Prionace glauca) caught by Santos longliner in southern Brazil (1984-2005). |
MOURATO, B.L., A. F. Amorim and C. A. Arfelli |
577-587 |
Standardized catch rates for mako (unclassified Isurus sp.) and blue (Prionace glauca) sharks in the Virginia-Massachusetts (U.S.) rod and reel fishery during 1986-2005. |
588-603 |
Catches of pelagic sharks from the northwestern Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean. |
604-616 |
Standardized catch rates for blue shark and shortfin mako from the U.S. pelagic longline logbook program. |
617-628 |
Aspects of the reproductive biology of the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827), in coastal waters off Pernambuco, Brazil. |
HAZIN, F.H.V., P.G.V. Oliveira and B.C.L. Macena |
629-635 |
CPUE and catch trends of shark species caught by Brazilian longliners in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. |
636-647 |
Aspects of the reproductive biology of the silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis (Nardo, 1827), in the vicinity of archipelago of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. |
HAZIN, F.H.V., P.G.V. Oliveira and B. C. L. Macena |
648-651 |
Doc. # |
Titre Titulo |
Auteurs Autores |
Pages Páginas |
Report of the 2006 Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Stock Assessment Session (Madrid, June 12 to 18, 2006) / Rapport de la session d’évaluation de 2006 du stock de thon rouge de l’Atlantique (Madrid, Espagne, 12 - 18 juin 2006) / Informe de la Sesión de evaluación de 2006 del stock de atún rojo del Atlántico (Madrid, España, 12 a 18 de junio de 2006). |
652-880 |
Analysis of sex-ratio by length class for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) caught by trap nets and LL from Libyan waters 2000-2005. |
TAWIL, M.Y., A. Elmgawshi, A.Shefren and A.Elmargni |
881-905 |
Catch and effort data of the Turkısh bluefın tuna fıshery (2002-2005). |
906-912 |
Standardized CPUE of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) caught by Spanish traps for the period 1981-2004. |
ORTIZ DE URBINA, J.M.,J-M.Fromentin, V.R. Restrepo, H. Arrizabalaga and J.M. de la Serna |
913-927 |
Estimates of total mortality of eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna based on year-class curves. |
FROMENTIN, J-M., H. Arrizabalaga, V.R. Restrepo and J.M. Ortiz de Urbina |
928-936 |
Estimates of selectivity for eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna from catch curves. |
RESTREPO, V.R., J. Ortiz de Urbina, J-M Fromentin, and H. Arrizabalaga |
937-948 |
Analysis of the potential impact of several management measures for eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna on the basis of yield per recruit. |
ARRIZABALAGA, H., V. Restrepo, J-M Fromentin, J.M. Ortiz de Urbina |
949-956 |
Alternatives to the Bay of Biscay juvenile bluefin tuna baitboat index. |
GARCÍA, D., H. Arrizabalaga and I. Artetxe |
957-975 |
Indices of stock status obtained from the Canadian bluefin tuna fishery. |
NEILSON, J.D., S.D. Paul and M. Ortiz |
976-1000 |
Pilot study of bluefin tuna age validation. |
NEILSON, J.D., and S.E. Campana |
1001-1007 |
Analyse des indices d'abondance standardisés relatifs aux captures du thon rouge par les madragues de l'Atlantique marocain. Période 1998-2005. |
ABID, N. and M. Idrissi |
1008-1013 |
Are the growth curves currently used for Atlantic bluefin tuna statistically different? |
RESTREPO, V.R., E. Rodríguez-Marín, J.L. Cort and C. Rodríguez-Cabello |
1014-1026 |
SCRS 2006: Towards clear and firm ICCAT reports on Atlantic bluefin tuna stocks? An open letter to the bluefin group and to the SCRS. |
1027-1034 |
Doc. # |
Titre Titulo |
Auteurs Autores |
Pages Páginas |
Large pelagics survey bluefin tuna length validation assessment. |
SALZ, J.F., D. Van Voorhees, C.Brown, J. Desfosse, M. Schulze-Haugen and C. Rogers |
1035-1056 |
Development of indices of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) spawning biomass in the Gulf of Mexico using delta-lognormal models. |
INGRAM, G.W. Jr., W.J. Richards, G.P. Scott and S.C. Turner |
1057-1069 |
Standardized catch rates of large bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from the U.S. pelagic longline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico and off the Florida east coast during 1987-2005. |
1070-1086 |
Standardized catch rates of bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, from the rod and reel/handline fishery off the northeast United States during 1980-2005. |
1087-1108 |
A finite-state continuous-time approach to inferring regional movement rates of Atlantic bluefin tuna using conventional tagging studies. |
1109-1131 |
An alternative stock assessment of western Atlantic bluefin tuna using a bayesian state-space surplus production model. |
MCALLISTER, M. and T. Carruthers |
1132-1140 |
Do some Atlantic bluefin tuna skip spawning? |
1141-1153 |
Genetic data and electronic tagging indicate that the Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean Sea are reproductively isolated stocks of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). |
BOUSTANY, A.M., C.A. Reeb, S.L.H. Teo, G. De Metrio and B.A. Block |
1154-1159 |
Size frequency distribution analysis, age composition, and maturity of western bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico from the U.S. (1981-2005) and Japanese (1975-1891) longline fleets. |
DIAZ, G.A. and S.C. Turner |
1160-1170 |
Preliminary analyses of the possible impacts of alternative minimum size limits for Atlantic bluefin tuna. |
PORCH, C.E. and S.C. Turner |
1171-1178 |
Temporal and spatial analyses of pelagic longline time/area closures in the Gulf of Mexico to reduce discards of bluefin tuna. |
WILSON, J., C. Rilling, J.Desfosse, K. Brewster-Geisz |
1179-1236 |
Updated standardization of bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, catch per unit of effort in the baitboat fishery of the Bay of Biscay (eastern Atlantic). Time series from 1975 to 2004. |
RODRÍGUEZ-MARÍN, E., M. Soto, M. Ortiz, C. Rodríguez-Cabello and J.L. Cort. |
1237-1249 |
Revisión histórica de la base de datos de ICCAT de la especie atún rojo capturado por barcos con bandera española. Descripción y codificación de las flotas y revisión de las capturas y tallas de atún rojo. |
RODRÍGUEZ-MARÍN, E., E. Alot, S. Barreiro, C. Rodríguez-Cabello, A. Ramos, A. Delgado de Molina, J.L. Cort, J.M. de la Serna y J. Mejuto. |
1250-1257 |
Estimation of northeast Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) growth parameters from tagging data. |
RODRIGUEZ-CABELLO, C., V.R. Restrepo, E. Rodríguez-Marín, J.L. Cort and M. de la Serna |
1258-1264 |
Standardized bluefin CPUE from the Japanese longline fishery in the Atlantic |
TAKEUCHI, Y., N. Miyabe, H. Yamada and M. Kanaiwa |
1265-1285 |
Average catch of bluefin tuna obtained by the Spanish purse seine fleet in the west Mediterranean, by boat and month during the 1994-2004 period. Impact of the change of fishing area on performance. |
DE LA SERNA, J.M., and E. Rodriguez-Marin |
1286-1288 |
Situation récente de la pêcherie du thon rouge (Thunnus thynnus) des côtes marocaines. |
ABID, N. et M. Idrissi |
1289-1298 |
An initial illustrative application of a cpue*area approach to checking assessment consistency for North Atlantic bluefin using recent Japanese longline data. |
BUTTERWORTH, D. S., M. Kanaiwa, Y. Takeuchi and N. Miyabe |
1299-1302 |
Interannual variability of bluefin larval growth observed during the spawning seasons 2003-2005. |
GARCÍA, A., J. Quintanilla, I. Alvárez, A. Carpena, D. Cortés, F. Alemany, and J.M. Rodríguez |
1303-1311 |
Report of CLIOTOP Workshop of Working Group 1 on Early Life History of Top Predators. |
GARCÍA, A., A. Bakun and D. Margulies |
1312-1327 |
Fisheries of Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) spawners in the northeast Atlantic. |
CORT, J.L. and L. Nøttestad |
1328-1344 |
2006 Summary of ongoing Canadian bluefin tuna sampling activities supported by the ICCAT Bluefin Tuna Year Program. |
CORRIGAN, S.E., J. D. Neilson and S.D. Paul |
1345-1348 |
Report of the 2006 ICCAT Workshop for Bluefin Tuna Direct Ageing. |
RODRIGUEZ/MARIN, E., N. CLEAR, J.L. Cort, P. Megafonou, J.D. Neilson, M. Neves dos Santos, D. Olafsdottir, C. Rodriguez-Cabello, M. Ruiz and J. Valeiras |
1349-1392 |
Bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus) gros geniteurs de plus de 100 kilos. |
1393-1400 |
Standardized catch rates of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from the Moroccan Atlantic trap fishery. 1998- 2005. |
ABID, N., M. Idrissi and J. M. Ortiz de Urbina |
1401-1403 |
Détermination à partir des déchets biologiques de la structure démographique du thon rouge capturé par les madragues de l’Atlantique nord marocain: résultats préliminaires de la campagne de pêche 2006. |
ABID, N. and M. Idrissi |
1404-1407 |
Preliminary Investigation of size composition of Blue Fin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) caught by the Libyan longline fishery and trap nets from Libyan waters year (2002-2005) and gear competition. |
TAWIL, M.Y., A. Elmargni, R. Abdulbari and Y.Tkala |
1408-1415 |
Tagging of the northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the east Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea in 2005. |
1416-1420 |
Biological characteristics of Maltese longlining bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) landings 2005. |
CAMILLERI, M. and A. Mosteiro |
1421-1430 |
Doc. # |
Titre Titulo |
Auteurs Autores |
Pages Páginas |
Report of the 2006 ICCAT Billfish Stock Assessment (Madrid, May 15 to 19, 2006) / Rapport de l’évaluation de 2006 de l’ICCAT du Stock d’istiophoridés (Madrid, Espagne, 15-19 mai 2006) / Informe de la evaluación de ICCAT del stock de marlines de 2006 (Madrid, España, 15-19 de mayo de 2006). |
1431-1546 |
Preliminary approach to evaluate the importance of discards and other uses of billfish in the Spanish surface longline fishery carried out in different oceans between 1993-2005. |
MEJUTO, J., B. García-Cortés, A.M. Ramos-Cartelle |
1547-1554 |
Actividades desarrolladas en el programa de investigación intensiva sobre marlines en Venezuela, 2004-2005. |
MARCANO, L.A., F. Arocha, J. Alío, J. Marcano y A. Larez |
1555-1564 |
Sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus, movement pattern off northern Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil (2002-06). |
PIMENTA, E., M. Vidal, G. Lima, A. Berbert and A. F. de Amorim |
1565-1570 |
Analysis on billfish fishery off Rio de Janeiro State, BraziL (2002-03). |
PIMENTA, E., M. Vidal, G. Lima, A. F. de Amorim |
1571-1575 |
Post-release survival of sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) captured on commercial pelagic longline gear in the southern Gulf of Mexico. |
KERSTETTER, D.W. and J.E. Graves |
1576-1581 |
Estimates of biological benchmarks using simulated blue marlin data: Impacts of truncating time series of catch and abundance. |
1582-1607 |
Progress of the ICCAT Enhanced Research Program for Billfish in the Western Atlantic Ocean during 2006. |
1608-1611 |
Joint United States-Brazil billfish research in the western South Atlantic. |
KERSTETTER, D.W., F.H.V. Hazin, J.C. Pacheco, and J.E. Graves |
1612-1615 |
Preliminary approach at assessing landings and size composition of drifting nets in the Ghanaian coastal fishery for billfishes. |
1616-1621 |
GLM CPUE standardizations: Interpretation risks for model fits from alternative software packages. |
GOODYEAR, C. P. and M. Ortiz |
1622-1629 |
Analysis of recent catch data of blue marlin caught by Japanese longliners in the Atlantic using logbook information. |
1630-1635 |
Prelimary results on the reproductive biology of blue marlin, Makaira nigricans (Lacépède, 1803) in the tropical western Atlantic Ocean. |
MARTINS, C., P. Pinheiro, P. Travassos and F. Hazin |
1636-1642 |
Application of a bayesian surplus production model to Atlantic white marlin. |
1643-1651 |
Standardized catch per unit of effort of white marlin, Tetrapturus albidus, and blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, caught by Brazilian tuna longline fleet. |
HAZIN, F.H., H.G. Hazin, P.Travassos and I.M. Oliveira |
1652-1662 |
Updated white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) and blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) catch rates from the U.S. pelagic longline in the northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico 1986-2005. |
DIAZ, G.A. and M. Ortiz |
1663-1677 |
Updated white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) and blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) catch rates from the U.S. recreational tournament fishery in the Northwest Atlantic, U.S. Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas and U.S. Caribbean 1973-2005. |
DIAZ, G.A., M. Ortiz and E.D. Prince |
1678-1695 |
Updated white marlin and blue marlin catch rates from the Taiwanese longline fishery in the Atlantic. |
YEH, Y.M. |
1696-1706 |
Estimation of the relative abundance of Atlantic billfish: Effects of three approaches to cope with catches equal to zero. |
1707-1719 |
Ratio of live Atlantic blue marlin and white marlin caught by Japanese longliners obtained by the data from the observer program in Atlantic Ocean. |
SEMBA,Y. and K.Yokawa |
1720-1725 |
Ring counts and timing of ring formation in fin spines of white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) from the Venezuelan longline and artisanal fisheries. |
DREW, K., D.J. Die and F. Arocha |
1726-1730 |
Analysis of recent catch data of white marlin caught by Japanese longliners in the Atlantic using logbook information. |
1731-1737 |
Preliminary results on the reproductive biology of the white marlin, Tetrapturus albidus (Poey 1960) in the western equatorial Atlantic Ocean. |
OLIVEIRA, I.M., F.H.V. Hazin, P. Travassos, P.B. Pinheiro, and H.G. Hazin |
1738-1745 |
Spatial-temporal distribution, sex ratio at size and gonad index of white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) and longbill spearfish (Tetrapturus pfluegeri) in the western central Atlantic during the period of 2002-2005. |
AROCHA, F., A. Barrios and D.W. Lee |
1746-1756 |
Report of the observer program for the Chinese longline fishery in the Atlantic Ocean in 2006. |
CHEN, J-T., X. Dai, L. Xu and L. Song |
1757-1760 |
Stock Status and Trends Descriptors in FIRMS: Compatibility with SCRS Reports. |
1761-1768 |
Amélioration des données statistiques de la pêche thonière dans la zone de l’Atlantique Tropical Est. |
KEBE, P., P. Pallarés, M. Wazawa et R. Pianet |
1769-1777 |
Progress report on review of Taiwanese fisheries data. |
CHANG, S-K. and H-I Liu |
1778-1783 |
Brief introduction to the fisheries data improvement program of Chinese Taipei. |
CHANG, S-K. and S.-C. Chou |
1784-1786 |
Doc. # |
Titre Titulo |
Auteurs Autores |
Pages Páginas |
Report of the 2006 Atlantic Swordfish Stock Assessment Session (Madrid, Spain, September 4 to 8, 2006) / Rapport de la session d’evaluation de 2006 des stocks d-espadon de l’Atlantique (Madrid, Espagne, 4-8 septembre 2006) / Informe de la sesión de evaluación ICCAT de 2006 del stock de pez espada del Atlántico (Madrid, España, 4 a 8 de septiembre de 2006). |
1787-1896 |
Evaluation de la structure du stock d'espadon (Xiphias gladius) dans l'Océan Indien à l'aide d'une approche multidisciplinaire. |
JEAN, C., J. Bourjea, D. Miossec & M. Taquet |
1897-1905 |
Activity of the Spanish surface longline fleet catching swordfish (Xiphias gladius) during the year 2004. |
MEJUTO, J., B. García-Cortés, J. M. De La Serna, A. Ramos-Cartelle |
1906-1913 |
Updated sex- and age-specific CPUE from the Canadian swordfish longline fishery, 1988-2005. |
PAUL, S.D. and J.D. Neilson |
1914-1942 |
Standardized catch rate of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) caught by Santos longliners off southern Brazil (1971-2005). |
MOURATO, B.L., H.A. Andrade, A.F. Amorim, C.A. Arfelli |
1943-1952 |
Análisis de la CPUE y la composición de tallas de pez espada (Xiphias gladius), capturado por la flota uruguaya (2001-2005) en el Atlántico SW. |
DOMINGO, A., O. Mora, M. Pons, P. Miller, G. Pereyra |
1953-1963 |
Genetic and growth profiles of three specimens of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) tagged and recaptured in the North Atlantic. |
KASAPIDIS, P., X. Valeiras, A. Antoniou, G. Kotoulas, B. García-Cortés and J. Mejuto |
1964-1973 |
Standardization of South Atlantic swordfish by-catch rate for Taiwanese longline fleet. |
CHANG, S.K., H.H. Lee and H.I. Liu |
1974-1985 |
Update of standardized CPUE of swordfish caught by Japanese longliners. |
1986-1993 |
Update of standardized catch rates by sex and age for swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from the U.S. longline fleet 1981-2005. |
1994-2017 |
Situation recente de la pêcherie Marocaine de l'espadon (Xiphias gladius). Periode: 1996-2005. |
ABID, N. et M. Idrissi |
2018-2028 |
Fishing strategy and target species of the Brazilian tuna longline fishery, from 1978 to 2005, inferred from cluster analysis. |
HAZIN, H.G., F. Hazin , P. Travassos , F. C. Carvalho, and K. Erzini |
2029-2038 |
Standardization of swordfish CPUE series caught by Brazilian longliners in the Atlantic Ocean, by GLM, using the targeting strategy inferred by cluster analysis. |
HAZIN, H.G., F. Hazin, P. Travassos , F. C. Carvalho, and K. Erzini |
2039-2047 |
An updated biomass index of abundance for North Atlantic swordfish 1963-2005. |
ORTIZ, M., J. Mejuto, S. Paul, K. Yokawa, M. Neves and J. J. Hoey |
2048-2058 |
Effects of a seasonal closure of the Mediterranean swordfish fisheries on the stock production levels. |
TSERPES, G. and P. Peristeraki |
2059-2062 |
Temporal growth differences of swordfish recruits in the eastern Mediterranean. |
PERISTERAKI, P., G. Lazarakis, K. Skarvelis, N. Kypraios and G. Tserpes |
2063-2068 |
Additional VPA analysis of northern Atlantic swordfish. |
SCOTT, G. and C. Porch |
2069-2076 |
Implementation of the Brazilian National Plan of Action for the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels NPOA-Seabird/Brazil. |
NEVES, T., P.L. Mancini, L. Bugoni, L.E. Bonilha and O.J.M. Filho |
2077-2084 |
Overview of seabird by-catch by Brazilian fisheries in the South Atlantic Ocean. |
NEVES, T., P.L. Mancini, L. Nascimento, A.M.B. Miguéis and L. Bugoni |
2085-2093 |
Distribución y composición de tallas de las tortugas marinas (Caretta caretta y Dermochelys coriacea) que interactúan con el palangre pelágico en el Atlántico sur. |
LOPEZ-MENDILAHARSU, M., G. Sales, B. Giffoni, P. Miller, F.N. Niemeyer and A. Domingo |
2094-2109 |
Albatros y petreles: su interacción con la flota de palangre pelágico uruguaya en el Atlántico sudoccidental (1998-2006). |
JIMÉNEZ, S. and A. Domingo |
2110-2117 |
La flota de palangre como fuente de información sobre la distribución de la orca (Orcinus orca) en el océano Atlántico sudoccidental (2002-2006). |
PASSADORE, C., M. Szephegyi, A. Domingo y O. Mora |
2118-2129 |
Estimación de los descartes y de las capturas de especies accesorias en la pesquería española de cerco de túnidos tropicales en el océano Atlántico, entre 2001 y 2006. |
Sarralde, R., A. Delgado de Molina, J. C. Santana, R. Delgado de Molina y J. Ariz |
2130-2139 |
Preliminary results of circle and J-style hook comparisons in the Brazilian pelagic longline fishery. |
KERSTETTER, D.W, J.C. Pacheco, F.H. Hazin, P.E. Travassos, and J.E. Graves |
2140-2147 |
SCRS/2006/063 |
Relative indices of abundance for Atlantic billfish estimated from catch per unit of fishing effort data from the Ghanaian gillnet fleet. |
BANNERMAN, P., D. Die, M. Fitchett and A. Brinson |
SCRS/2006/085 |
Initial specifications for Atlantic bluefin tuna operating and management procedure models. |
SCRS/2006/128 |
Essential fish habitat and spatial prediction of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) catches in the south Atlantic. |
HAZIN, H. and K. Erzini |
SCRS/2006/133 |
Distribución y estructura poblacional de la raya negra (Dasyatis violacea) en el Océano Atlántico sur. |
FORSELLEDO, R., M. Pons, Ph. Miller and A. Domingo |
SCRS/2006/152 |
Recreational catch and release: Resource allocation between commercial and recreational fishermen. |
SCRS/2006/163 |
Resultados de la Acción Piloto RAI-AP-52/2004 de pesca experimental con palangre de superficie dirigido al pez espada en el Mediterráneo Occidental. |
DE LA SERNA, J.M.; J.M. Ortiz de Urbina and S. García Barcelona |